Milk in Diabetes: Should we drink milk in diabetes? Learn the Safe Way

Milk in Diabetes: Should we drink milk in diabetes?  Learn the Safe Way

Milk in Sugar : Sugar patients need to pay special attention to their diet. It is necessary to take good care of what they should and should not include in the food, so that the blood sugar can remain under control. In such a situation, the question is, can we drink milk in sugar? Milk … Read more

If you want to stay safe from diseases in monsoon, then strengthen immunity with these nutrients

If you want to stay safe from diseases in monsoon, then strengthen immunity with these nutrients

Monsoon Care Tips: People often fall prey to diseases during the rainy season. In rains, the number of bacteria, viruses, etc. in the environment increases a lot. In such a situation, it is very important to take care of yourself in this season. If you want to avoid the problems of common diseases like cold, … Read more

If you want to keep yourself safe from air pollution, then include this super food in your diet.

If you want to keep yourself safe from air pollution, then include this super food in your diet.

Foods to Protect from Air Pollution: In today’s time, pollution is increasing very fast in the whole world including India. The problem of air pollution has become very big in all the big cities of the country including Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai. Due to air pollution, people are facing many health related problems. People are at … Read more

These desi drinks remove mental fatigue instantly, completely safe and healthy

These desi drinks remove mental fatigue instantly, completely safe and healthy

Summer Special Drinks: In the summer season, physical fatigue occurs quickly, as well as mental fatigue also becomes very dominant. Because with sweating, the level of water in the body drops very fast (Dehydration), with which the level of minerals also starts decreasing. Due to this, the brain does not get full energy to work … Read more

Is it safe to have lungs? Follow these healthy tips

Is it safe to have lungs?  Follow these healthy tips

Healthy Lungs: Keeping Lungs Safe? Follow these healthy tips. Source link