Wearing sandals in summer has made the skin of the feet tan, so definitely try these home remedies

Wearing sandals in summer has made the skin of the feet tan, so definitely try these home remedies

Foot Skin Care Tips: It is true that in summer we protect our skin, hair and hands, but we lose the beauty of our feet. If seen, the feet are one of those parts of our body, which are most exposed to sunlight and dust. Even knowing this, we do not take care of them. … Read more

Rubbing raw onion on the skin gives many benefits, let’s know which diseases it cures

Rubbing raw onion on the skin gives many benefits, let’s know which diseases it cures

Beauty Tips: Raw onion not only enhances the taste of your food, but with your food, it also adds life to the taste of food. The benefits of consuming raw onion are not only available, but there are also many benefits of applying it. Yes, today we will tell you how you can use raw … Read more

If you want to get glowing skin in 7 days then follow these measures

If you want to get glowing skin in 7 days then follow these measures

To make the skin look glowing, spotless and beautiful in summer, it is necessary to take care of the skin differently so that the skin can be protected from the sun and the skin does not look sticky and oily. In this season, if you take care of some important things, then you will keep … Read more

Night Skin Care Tips: Follow these skin care steps before sleeping at night

Night Skin Care Tips: Follow these skin care steps before sleeping at night

Night Skin Care Tips: Everyone wants their skin to glow forever, for which they also make every effort. Expensive – Expensive products, skin care treatment, healthy diet and don’t know what. But occasional use of these things does not give results for a long time, so it is important that you take care of your … Read more

Aloe Vera is not only good for the skin but also provides relief in the thyroid.

Aloe Vera is not only good for the skin but also provides relief in the thyroid.

Thyroid problem is becoming common, there are many types of it, due to which many people are worried. Actually thyroid is present in our neck, from which a hormone called thyroxine is released. This hormone controls many functions of our body. Due to this, many types of problems have to be faced in the body. … Read more

To clean the skin color of children? Follow these effective measures immediately

To clean the skin color of children?  Follow these effective measures immediately

Baby Skin Care Tips: To clean the skin color of children? Follow these effective measures immediately. Source link

What are the treatment options for skin cancer and know what are its causes? – GoMedii

What are the treatment options for skin cancer and know what are its causes?  – GoMedii

Cancer is a very serious disease, if this cancer is not diagnosed and treated on time then it can prove to be fatal. By the way, there are many types of cancer which develop in different parts of the body. But melanoma, a much less common and extremely dangerous type of skin cancer, can develop … Read more

Glowing Skin: Follow these easy tips to bring a natural pink glow on the face

Glowing Skin: Follow these easy tips to bring a natural pink glow on the face

Glowing SkinYour face is your mirror, the more you keep it clean and bright, the more you will shine. Yes, today we will tell you some such things which you can include in your diet and improve your skin. Let us know how you can maintain your skin’s natural pink glow by stopping the aging … Read more