रेडीमेड सोया चाप आपको भी पसंद है तो खाने का जानें नुकसान

रेडीमेड सोया चाप आपको भी पसंद है तो खाने का जानें नुकसान Source link

रेडीमेड सोया चाप क्यों खाने से बचाना चाहिए, जानें इसे घर में कैसे बनाएं

चाप का नाम सुनते ही मुंह में पानी आ जाता है. यह एक ऐसा स्नैक है जो हम सभी को बेहद पसंद है. चाप कई लोगों का शाम का नाश्ता होता है. यह शाकाहारियों के लिए भी चिकन का अच्छा विकल्प माना जाता है. अपने लजीज स्वाद के कारण चाप को बहुत पसंद किया जाता … Read more

Vitamin K deficiency can make every part of the body hollow.

Why Vitamin K Is Important: The presence of Vitamin K in the body is very important to stay healthy. If there is a deficiency of vitamin K in the body, then many diseases can surround you. Liver-related diseases and intestinal diseases are commonly seen due to the deficiency of vitamin K. If there is not … Read more

With these healthy foods, both you and your heart will remain young, if you do not believe then try it

Health News: In modern times, people are falling ill a lot due to wrong food and lifestyle. The number of patients of various diseases is increasing continuously in India. Especially the number of heart patients is increasing continuously. If you also want to keep your heart healthy, then pay attention to your diet. Always include … Read more

Health Tips: Must include soybean in the diet, you will get many benefits

Soybean Protein For Health: If there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, then it also affects immunity. Any infection affects quickly due to weak immunity. In such a situation, along with vitamins, protein is also necessary to make the body strong. Protein helps repair damaged cells. It is advisable to take … Read more