You put a finger in the nose again and again, change the habit immediately, otherwise death can occur!

You put a finger in the nose again and again, change the habit immediately, otherwise death can occur!

Stop pricking the nose: If your habit is also to put a finger in the nose, leave it immediately, otherwise it can be serious. There are a lot of people around us, who continue to put our finger in the nose again and again. It is considered a bad habit. Which is called Rhinotilllexomania in … Read more

Love to eat spicy food? Read how it affects your stomach

Love to eat spicy food?  Read how it affects your stomach

Spicy food or simply say that such spices are added to spicy food. After eating which a burning sensation arises in the mouth as well as in the stomach. You fill one thing whenever you have eaten too much spicy and heavy food, then you get too excited. There are many people who like spicy … Read more

Stomach burning due to oily and spicy food on festival, these measures will give immediate relief

Stomach burning due to oily and spicy food on festival, these measures will give immediate relief

Stomach Burning Problem: Special food is prepared in everyone’s homes on the festival. In such a situation, more oily and spicy things are made than normal days. Eating such food for several days in a row causes stomach upset. By taking oily-spicy food, there is a problem of heat and burning in the stomach. By … Read more

Stomach burning due to eating spicy or non-veg on weekends, then do these home remedies

Stomach burning due to eating spicy or non-veg on weekends, then do these home remedies

Stomach Burning Problem: On weekends people mostly eat outside. Some people are fond of non-veg food, some people eat pizza-burger. Excess oil, spicy food and unhealthy food outside often lead to stomach irritation and acidity problem the next day. Heavy food is not easily digested in this season. In non-veg oil, spices are also sufficient … Read more

Mouth is burning after eating spicy food, then drink this drink immediately, it will calm the burning sensation.

Mouth is burning after eating spicy food, then drink this drink immediately, it will calm the burning sensation.

Toung And Throat Burning: After eating food, people often have a problem of burning in the tongue and throat, who like to eat more spicy food. The biggest problem is for those who sometimes taste more spicy food because of the taste. In such a situation, the problem of burning tongue, burning sensation in the … Read more