Respiratory Problem: The weather is changing, stay away from these respiratory diseases

Respiratory Problem: The weather is changing, stay away from these respiratory diseases

Respiratory Disease: Weather is changing. Respiratory problems are starting to make a home in the body. Some people are so allergic that they can be allergic to dust, smoke or anything else. Apart from the skin, these allergies can also be of respiratory. There is a need to be aware in time to deal with … Read more

Stay away from these diseases, they are transferred from one generation to another

Stay away from these diseases, they are transferred from one generation to another

Treatment: Due to the changing lifestyle nowadays, many types of diseases are engulfing people. Problems like sugar, high blood pressure, obesity are common. But do you know that the diseases which are being carried today, it may be because of you that your next generation may not become victims of those diseases. Doctors say that … Read more

Make Sitopaladi churna at home, children will stay away from cold and flu throughout the year

Make Sitopaladi churna at home, children will stay away from cold and flu throughout the year

Sitopaladi Churna Ingredients: Nowadays, the problem of cold and cold is troubling children the most. By feeding medicines for a long time, the effect of medicines is also not as fast. In such a situation, you can think of some home remedies or Ayurvedic treatment. Because this is not a disease that can be cured … Read more

If someone is puffing a cigarette around, then stay away from it, this disease will not leave you for the rest of your life.

If someone is puffing a cigarette around, then stay away from it, this disease will not leave you for the rest of your life.

Cigarette Smoking: Cigarette Causes Cancer. Smoking Kills is written on someone. There is a different warning on each company’s cigarette box. This warning is only for the smoker. There is no warning written on the cigarette box for those who are standing around. But do you know that living near cigarette smokers catches many such … Read more

The weather is changing, stay away from these diseases

The weather is changing, stay away from these diseases

Fever: The weather is changing. Winter is slowly knocking. In such a situation, some people are feeling hot and are wearing light clothes, but due to the cold in the weather, the risk of other diseases has increased. Doctors say that due to the rain that has been happening for the last 3 days, there … Read more

Music not only keeps you fit but also listen to music and stay healthy

Music not only keeps you fit but also listen to music and stay healthy

Benefits Of Listening Songs: The melodious melody of music and the heart touching voice gives us so much peace. There will be hardly anyone who does not like music. Yes, it is definitely possible that everyone’s preference can be different. The magic of music is such that your steps start trembling on their own. Do … Read more

These healthy fruits must be eaten in winter, will stay away from problems like cold and cold

These healthy fruits must be eaten in winter, will stay away from problems like cold and cold

Winter Fruits: The cold season has arrived. In this season we are advised to consume such a diet which can keep the body warm for a long time. Therefore, in this season, most people consume more things like soup, tea and coffee, but along with tea and coffee, the body also needs plenty of nutrition … Read more

To stay away from diseases in cold, include these healthy things in diet

To stay away from diseases in cold, include these healthy things in diet

Winter Diet: The winter season is about to start. In this season we should take special care of our food. So that your immunity can be boosted. If you want to keep yourself healthy, then consume more and more hot things in winter, so that your body can avoid cold and you can avoid diseases. … Read more