पेट दर्द की छुट्टी और गैस की समस्या होगी दूर, घर में रखा ये मसाला है गुणों से भरपूर

Ajwain For Stomach : हमारे घरों में अजवाइन का इस्तेमाल पुराने समय से ही होता आ रहा है. मसाले के तौर पर इसका ज्यादातर उपयोग सब्जी, दाल, सूप या चाय बनाने में किया जाता है. अजवाइन स्वाद को बढ़ाने के साथ सेहत का साथी होता  है. पेट की समस्याओं के लिए यह गजब का नुस्खा माना … Read more

Does the sound of gurgling come from your stomach even after eating, this could be the reason, keep the stomach light like this

Stomach Growling Reason: It is said that before eating i.e. when hungry, the sound of jaggery comes from the stomach, which means that the stomach is empty. But many times such sound comes even after eating and often at any time. This sound coming from the stomach after eating is called Stomach Growling. Although after eating, … Read more

The sound of gurgling in the stomach is not normal. If this happens, contact the doctor immediately.

Stomach Growling : Although the sound of gurgling in the stomach is considered quite normal. The movement of gas, liquid and solid things is said to be behind this during digestion. This problem also occurs when the stomach is upset. This sound is called ‘borborygmi’. This problem is fine for some time, but if such … Read more

Tight stomach gives indication of these diseases… understand and do not ignore even by mistake

Tight Stomach Problem : Nowadays, in the deteriorating lifestyle, many types of diseases make our body its prey easily. Any part of the body can come in its grip. However, most of the problems happen to the stomach. One of these problems is having a tight stomach. Many times people ignore it as normal but … Read more

Say NO to these things including protein bars, processed meats! Otherwise the trouble will go on increasing

Who does not like to eat chocolate, ice cream, sandwich, pizza. These food items have the power to instantly improve a bad mood. However, excessive consumption of these can cause many problems related to the stomach. Because they contain extra sugar, extra salt and flour, which are considered very harmful for health. To keep your … Read more

You will easily get rid of the problem of constipation, try these home remedies once

Constipation Remedies: The problem of constipation is due to disturbances in food and drink. Due to this problem, the account of both hunger and mood gets spoiled. Some of the most common causes of constipation include dietary factors such as consumption of junk food, drinking alcohol, overeating, insufficient fiber in the diet, lack of water … Read more

These 5 early symptoms appear when the gut health deteriorates, stop the progression of the disease

Gut Bacteria: Gut bacteria play a big role in protecting us from stomach related problems and keeping our digestion right. Gut bacteria can be understood as good bacteria, which do not make us sick but protect us from diseases and help in keeping our body healthy. The balance of toxic bacteria and good bacteria is … Read more