Fever is the common factor in Malaria, Corona and H3N2, it makes prey in this way, know what is it then

Health Tips : Malaria, Kovid-19 and H3N2 have fever in all the three diseases. Malaria has been there for a long time, while in the last few years we have also seen the havoc of Corona and now for a few months many cases of H3N2 virus are also being seen. There is a common … Read more

Scary or normal condition of Corona in India, how long will the cases reduce?

Covid Symptoms: In the year 2019, Kovid was declared an epidemic. This virus, which came from China, created a ruckus in the whole world. In the year 2021, patients in every house in India came under the grip of this virus. Lakhs of people got infected by this virus, while thousands of people died. After … Read more

What are the symptoms of XBB.1.16 variant… due to which Corona again caught pace

XBB.1.16 Variant: once again in india Corona virus is gaining momentum. In many states including Kerala, Delhi, Maharashtra, the cases of Kovid-19 infection are increasing rapidly. Now the question arises that why the cases of corona are increasing so fast. In fact, the biggest reason for the increase in cases is being attributed to a … Read more

If there are symptoms of sore throat and fever, then checkup immediately, it may be this disease

Sore Throat With Fever: In the beginning of winter, people are troubled by cold, cough and fever. Many people also complain of sore throat during this season. If some such symptoms appear in your body too, then they should not be taken lightly. Corona, flu, viral and swine flu also have the same symptoms. Therefore, … Read more

These symptoms are seen in the body when there is corona after the vaccine, you must also know

Coronavirus: After taking the vaccine, these symptoms are seen in the body when there is corona, you must also know. Source link

There is a difference between the symptoms of monsoon flu and Kovid-19, understand the difference like this

Monsoon Flu: Flu is a common problem during the rainy season. But the way the cases of Kovid-19 keep increasing for the last two years, it is difficult to understand at the initial level whether this fever is due to seasonal flu or Then the infection of Kovid-19 has happened. Therefore, you must be aware … Read more

Know how to recognize from the symptoms whether it is corona, cold or seasonal allergy?

Flu Symptoms In the midst of increasing cases of corona, the flu and viral have started rapidly. Many people also have allergies in this changing season. What is the difference between these three diseases, it is not understood many times, but if you pay attention to these symptoms, then you will be able to differentiate … Read more

Protect yourself from corona like this, increase your immunity in these ways

How to prevent Corona: Corona is spreading again, cases are increasing in the whole country and especially in Maharashtra. In such a situation, how to increase immunity to avoid corona. How to keep your body healthy so that it does not fall in the grip of this disease and if it happens then the effect … Read more