If You’re Constantly Short of Breath, Could It Be Lung Cancer? Know What the Experts Say

If You’re Constantly Short of Breath, Could It Be Lung Cancer? Know What the Experts Say

When bad cells start growing uncontrollably in our body, it is called cancer or cancerous tumor. If the cells grow uncontrollably in your lungs, then it is called lung cancer. The main cause of lung cancer is excessive smoking. Nowadays, even people who do not smoke are victims of lung cancer. Cancer has become the … Read more

These are the early symptoms of lung cancer, and ignoring them can be costly.

These are the early symptoms of lung cancer, and ignoring them can be costly.

Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. Lung cancer is like a silent killer, it is not detected at all in the beginning. When it reaches its third stage. Then its mild symptoms appear on the body. If this disease is detected early, lives can be saved. His first … Read more

Yoga For Lungs: How These 5 Easy-to-do Asanas May Help to Improve Respiration

Yoga For Lungs: How These 5 Easy-to-do Asanas May Help to Improve Respiration

Home Health Yoga for the lungs: how these 5 easy-to-do asanas can help improve breathing Yoga brings a sense of calm and serenity to the body. Try these effective yoga asanas at home to improve lung health. Yoga for lung health (Freepik) Air pollution, smoking, passive smoking, etc. have become major challenges to lung health. … Read more

Does smoking alone cause lung cancer? The disease does not occur at a young age,

Does smoking alone cause lung cancer? The disease does not occur at a young age,

Lung cancer : Only those who smoke cigarettes get lung cancer. We all hear this all the time, but it’s not entirely true. A lot of research has shown that even non-smokers are at risk. It’s such a serious disease that it claims millions of lives every year. Health experts say that while the risk … Read more

उंगलियों और नाखूनों पर दिखाई देते हैं फेफड़े के कैंसर के ये लक्षण

उंगलियों और नाखूनों पर दिखाई देते हैं फेफड़े के कैंसर के ये लक्षण

Lung Cancer Symptoms On Finger: शरीर में पनपने वाली हर बीमारी कोई न कोई संकेत जरूरी देती है. हालांकि वो संकेत इतने कॉमन होते हैं कि उन्हें हम अक्सर छोटी-मोटी दिक्कत समझकर इग्नोर कर देते हैं. इग्नोर करने की वजह से बीमारी को पांव पसारने का और शरीर में अपना विस्तार करने का मौका मिल … Read more

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

This cancer is the most dangerous and deadly, if you are not careful in time, then you can die

Lung Cancer : Cancer is the world’s most dangerous deadly disease. Even though today its treatment has become much easier than before, but even today millions of people are dying every year due to this disease. Breast and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men are considered to be the most dangerous but … Read more

Lung Cancer Pill Explained: How This Breakthrough Development May Lower Risk of Fatality? Experts Speak

Lung Cancer Pill Explained: How This Breakthrough Development May Lower Risk of Fatality? Experts Speak

Home Health Lung Cancer Pill Explained: How This Groundbreaking Development Can Reduce Fatality Risk? the experts speak Lung cancer has long been a formidable adversary, with its high mortality rates and limited treatment options. However, this new development brings a glimmer of hope for both patients and healthcare professionals. lung cancer pill: Lung cancer is … Read more

Constant pain in the shoulders, so do not forget to ignore it, it may be cancer

Constant pain in the shoulders, so do not forget to ignore it, it may be cancer

Many times we make the mistake of ignoring small problems of the body. We think these problems are common, which will get fixed on their own after some time. This negligence of ours works to promote diseases in our body. To stay healthy and healthy, the most important thing is health awareness. If you remain … Read more