पेपर थिन मोमोज स्वाद और सेहत दोनों के लिए शानदार, जानें इसे कैसे बनाएं

पेपर थिन मोमोज स्वाद और सेहत दोनों के लिए शानदार, जानें इसे कैसे बनाएं

Paper Thin Momo Recipe : मोमोज एक बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट और लोकप्रिय स्नैक्स में से एक है. इसकी स्पंजी टेक्सचर और मसालेदार चटनी किसी को भी लुभा सकती है. इसका नाम सुनते ही लोगों के मुंह में पानी आ जाता है. मोमोज में मैदा की मोटी परत होने के कारण इसे हेल्दी नहीं माना जाता … Read more

Leave carrot pudding in winter and try this tasty pea pudding, learn easy recipe

Leave carrot pudding in winter and try this tasty pea pudding, learn easy recipe

Matar Halwa: Carrot pudding is made in every house in winter, and people eat this pudding with great taste. Be it someone’s marriage or party, first of all everyone’s eyes go towards it. From village to city, it comes first in sweet dishes in winter. But do you know except carrot halwa, once you try … Read more

Eat these ‘super snacks’ when you are hungry during pregnancy, which are healthy as well as tasty

Eat these ‘super snacks’ when you are hungry during pregnancy, which are healthy as well as tasty

Pregnancy Healthy Snacks Options : During pregnancy, women should take special care of their food and drink. Nutrients are needed by both the mother and the coming child, because during pregnancy, the diet of the mother determines the growth of the child. At this time, hormonal changes keep on happening very fast in the body … Read more

It is not a sign of good health to wake up late at night and want to eat something tasty, keep these things in mind

It is not a sign of good health to wake up late at night and want to eat something tasty, keep these things in mind

Reason Of Midnight Craving: If you work in the night shift, then feeling hungry or craving while working at night is due to the energy need of your body and brain. But if you go to sleep on time and then wake up in the middle of the night due to hunger or you wake … Read more

How to include spinach in children’s diet? Know the Tasty and Easy Recipes of Spinach

How to include spinach in children’s diet?  Know the Tasty and Easy Recipes of Spinach

Tasty Spinach Recipes For Children: With the arrival of winter, the season of spinach comes. Spinach is such a vegetable that apart from iron, there are many more. NutriThere are ants. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, folic acid and calcium. Spinach is very beneficial for both children and adults. However, … Read more

Parenting Tips: The child is reluctant to drink milk, so make milk tasty like this

Parenting Tips: The child is reluctant to drink milk, so make milk tasty like this

Make Milk Tastier: Most of the children are very reluctant to drink milk. Even after lakhs of efforts and efforts of the parents, it becomes very difficult to convince the children to drink milk. However, feeding is also necessary because it contains all the nutritious foods which have been considered very important for the physical … Read more

Make healthy and tasty breakfast with oats, try these 2 oats smoothie

Make healthy and tasty breakfast with oats, try these 2 oats smoothie

Smoothie For Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight, then you can make smoothie and drink it in breakfast. You can make delicious smoothies with fruits and vegetables. The body needs energy after a workout. You can make delicious smoothies to give energy to your body. You can prepare this smoothie by adding oats … Read more

Eliminate the problem of acidity by eating these tasty foods, you will get instant relief

Eliminate the problem of acidity by eating these tasty foods, you will get instant relief

Home Remedies For Acidity: If there is acidity all the time, then you eat chenna rasgulla or say white rasgulla in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure to extract its juice before eating, otherwise you will not get the full benefit. By doing this method every day, the problem of acidity goes away. … Read more