This is the most expensive vegetable in the world

Hop Shoots: It is the habit of every Indian to bargain while buying any item. Women are better at bargaining than men. We feel very happy if even 5 to 10 rupees are saved in some item. If the rate of vegetables increases by 10 to 50 rupees on what is prevailing in the market, … Read more

Study finds artificial intelligence may help ease strain on hospitals – ET HealthWorld

Washington: Researchers believe that the cutting edge is developing artificial intelligence (AI) that can quickly and accurately identify Lung diseases As Pneumonia And Tuberculosis can relieve the strain on hospitals during the winter months. Tuberculosis and pneumonia – potentially serious infections that mainly affect the lungs – often require a combination of different diagnostic tests, … Read more

Number of TB patients increased for the first time in many years, this virus became responsible

TB Treatment: TB ie Tuberculosis is a disease related to the lungs. When the immune system of any person is weak or due to TB infection spreading around, this disease catches you. At one time TB appeared like an epidemic, but due to the efforts of different countries globally, it has now become a common … Read more

Cereals, Pulses, Fruits & Veggies: PM Modi to Launch Scheme to Support Nutritional Needs of TB Patients

With a strong focus on tuberculosis eradication in India, the Narendra Modi The government plans to launch a plan to support the nutritional requirements of patients suffering from the deadly disease, has learned. Mainly pushed by the office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the plan has been tentatively named Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat … Read more

Centre to launch new anti-TB programme focused on nutrition

By express news service NEW DELHI: Despite tuberculosis, a leading cause of death, seeing a 19 percent increase in 2021, the Center has now planned to launch a new programme, Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (PMTBMBA), which will encourage financial contributions from not only non-governmental organizations (NGOs), but also private sector companies and the … Read more

Nutritional security is vital in the fight against TB

The government support program for TB patients is insufficient and inadequate The government support program for TB patients is insufficient and inadequate Two silent epidemics, of tuberculosis (TB) and malnutritionthey have been working together and devastating India for decades. The approach to address TB in India and worldwide it has been mainly clinical. Not surprisingly, … Read more