Kidney Health: 5 Ways to Prevent Urological Conditions

Home Health Kidney Health: 5 Ways to Prevent Urological Conditions Urological conditions are becoming increasingly common. The effect is different for men and women. Here is ow one may lower risk of poor kidney health. There are multiple ailments that fall under the bracket of urological disorders, affecting your urinary tract or reproductive organs. With … Read more

क्या आप भी दिन भर में सिर्फ 2 या 3 ग्लास पानी पीते हैं? यहां जानें इसके नुकसान

क्या आप भी दिन भर में सिर्फ 2 या 3 ग्लास पानी पीते हैं? यहां जानें इसके नुकसान Source link

Hibiscus flower is a treasure of virtues… both health and beauty get amazing benefits

Hibiscus Benefits: Hibiscus is a very beautiful pink colored flower, it is known for its medicinal properties more than its beauty. Many diseases can be cured by using Hibiscus. Hibiscus plant contains antioxidants and essential compounds like anthocyanins and flavonoids which provide many health benefits..Let us know about it. AnemiaIron is found in abundance in … Read more

Bladder bursts by stopping urination… what happens and what will happen if it bursts?

Urinary Tract Infection: Stomach problems sometimes become serious. Urine problem or urinary tract infection is also one of such problems. It is important to have urine on time. A normal person goes for urine 4 to 5 times in winter and 3 to 4 times in summer. Passing urine is a routine process. Going to … Read more

Urine infection can be very harmful for health, be alert

UTI Infection: Any kind of infection in the body is not good in any situation. If there is an infection in the liver, kidney or any part of the body, the patient’s condition becomes serious. Urine infection is associated with the body in the same way. This infection occurs in both men and women, but … Read more

UTI patients should avoid eating these things, the problem may increase

UTI Problem: UTI patients should avoid eating these things, the problem may increase. Source link

Children can also have UTI, know by which symptoms to recognize

Uti In Babies Signs And Symptoms: UTI or urinary tract infection is more common in women and girls. Children are also at high risk of UTI. Many times, children may have a problem of UTI due to using dirty toilets in school or for any other reason. Experts say that children are more prone to … Read more

Health Tips: Avoid these things in case of UTI, otherwise the problem may increase

Diet In Urinary Tract Infection: Urinary tract infection ie UTI is common in women nowadays. The main reason for this is also English toilets. This further increases the risk of infection. At the same time, due to lack of water and lack of cleanliness, urine infection also starts. The risk of infection increases in women … Read more