New Vaccine to Reduce Bad Cholesterol? Here Is What a New Study Says

New Vaccine to Reduce Bad Cholesterol? Here Is What a New Study Says

Home Health New Vaccine to Reduce Bad Cholesterol? Here Is What a New Study Says According to a recent study, a new vaccine may help lower LDL levels. Read on to know more about the findings of the study. Researchers have developed a new vaccine that could be a game-changer, providing an inexpensive method to … Read more

कुत्तों के लिए रेबीज का असर कम करने वाली वैक्सीन कितनी कारगर?

कुत्तों के लिए रेबीज का असर कम करने वाली वैक्सीन कितनी कारगर?

<p><strong>Dog Vaccination :</strong> कुत्तों के लिए उपलब्ध रेबीज वैक्सीन इस बीमारी से बचाव में बहुत ही प्रभावी और कारगर साबित हुई है. कुत्तों को रेबीज का टीका लगवाने से उनमें रेबीज वायरस के विरुद्ध प्रतिरोधक क्षमता विकसित होती है. टीकाकरण से कुत्तों में रेबीज होने का खतरा बहुत कम हो जाता है. कई अध्ययनों से … Read more

आखिर वैक्सीन होने के बाद भी क्यों ‘खतरनाक’ है हेपेटाइटिस की बीमारी, ये जानना आपके लिए है जरूरी

आखिर वैक्सीन होने के बाद भी क्यों ‘खतरनाक’ है हेपेटाइटिस की बीमारी, ये जानना आपके लिए है जरूरी

World Hepatitis Day 2023: स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए जरूरी है कि हमारा शरीर बीमारियों से ल़ड़ने के लिए सशक्त बना रहे. लेकिन कुछ बीमारियां ऐसी हैं जो वैक्सीन होने के बावजूद कभी कभी शरीर के लिए जान का खतरा बन जाती है. इन्हीं में से एक है हेपेटाइटिस की बीमारी. हेपेटाइटिस दरअसल लिवर से जुड़ी गंभीर … Read more

Pancreas cancer can also be treated, know how effective the vaccine proved

Pancreas cancer can also be treated, know how effective the vaccine proved

Vaccine For Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreas cancer is a fatal form of this deadly disease. Even now nine out of ten people with pancreatic cancer lose the battle of life. The survival rate associated with this disease has not improved even in sixty years. The main reason for this is that till now no effective treatment … Read more

What is Long COVID? Do We Need More Vaccine Jabs Amid Rising Cases in India?

What is Long COVID? Do We Need More Vaccine Jabs Amid Rising Cases in India?

Home Health What is long COVID? Do we need more vaccine shots amid rising cases in India? Long COVID: People are still recovering from the aftermath of COVID-19. While some have recovered, some continue to suffer from the effects of COVID that don’t seem to be coming to an end. Prolonged COVID: decoding signs, symptoms … Read more

Researchers find potential drug for emerging Chikungunya virus | Health

Researchers find potential drug for emerging Chikungunya virus | Health

Researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University and their collaborators are working to create what could be the first drug for crippling joint pain that follows infection with the new chikungunya virus that can continue for months or even years. Although researchers have tried to develop vaccines and drugs to fight the virus, none … Read more

The risk of measles is increasing in children… You should also know which vaccine is used to avoid it?

The risk of measles is increasing in children… You should also know which vaccine is used to avoid it?

Measles Treatment: Mumbai, the financial capital of the country, is in fear of measles. In many countries of the world, children have come under the grip of this disease. Measles is a fast spreading infectious disease. Doctors say that if a small child is infected with measles and there is a healthy child near him, … Read more

What is the problem with those who have got even a single vaccine?

What is the problem with those who have got even a single vaccine?

Corona Virus: The havoc of Corona started to be seen in the country and the world. Still this virus is floating around in the air. People are coming in the grip of this virus. Experts say that due to the strengthening of the immune system, herd immunity and vaccination, the effect of the virus has … Read more