सावधान ! इस खास विटामिन की कमी से बढ़ रहीं हैं दिल की बीमारियां, जरा सी गलती जा सकती है जान

सावधान ! इस खास विटामिन की कमी से बढ़ रहीं हैं दिल की बीमारियां, जरा सी गलती जा सकती है जान

Heart Disease : बिगड़ती लाइफस्टाइल और खराब खानपान की वजह से पिछले कुछ सालों में हार्ट के मरीजों की संख्या तेजी से बढ़ी है. WHO के मुताबिक, हार्ट डिजीज एक जानलेवा बीमारी है. इसकी सबसे गंभीर बात ये है कि उम्र बढ़ने के साथ इसका खतरा और ज्यादा होता है. कम उम्र के लोग भी इसकी … Read more

बॉडी में विटामिन D की कमी बन सकती है बड़ी मुसीबत! हो सकते हैं ‘सीरियस कंजक्टिवाइटिस’ का शिकार

बॉडी में विटामिन D की कमी बन सकती है बड़ी मुसीबत! हो सकते हैं ‘सीरियस कंजक्टिवाइटिस’ का शिकार

देश में कंजक्टिवाइटिस के मरीजों की संख्या बढ़ रही है. कंजक्टिवाइटिस आंखों का एक रोग है, जो आमौतर पर मानसून के मौसम में देखा जाता है. कंजक्टिवाइटिस होने की वजह से आंखें लाल हो जाती हैं और उनमें सूजन की समस्या के साथ-साथ दर्द की दिक्कत भी पैदा होने लगती है. कंजक्टिवाइटिस के प्रसार के … Read more

Side Effects of Vitamin D: 5 Health Complications Caused Due to Vitamin D Toxicity

Side Effects of Vitamin D: 5 Health Complications Caused Due to Vitamin D Toxicity

Home Health Vitamin D Side Effects: 5 Health Complications Caused By Vitamin D Toxicity Due to the increasing awareness of vitamin D deficiency and related health problems, vitamin D has become a popular supplement and its use has increased markedly. Vitamin D Side Effects: Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem. Mostly people talk about … Read more

How to Increase Vitamin D Levels? 5 Ways to Combat This Deficiency Naturally

How to Increase Vitamin D Levels? 5 Ways to Combat This Deficiency Naturally

Home Health How to increase vitamin D levels? 5 Ways to Combat This Deficiency Naturally Vitamin D deficiency is a very common but important health problem throughout India. Everyone else is more likely to have low vitamin D levels and supplements are not enough. Vitamin D: tips to increase vitamin D naturally (Freepik) “My vitamin … Read more

The magic of vitamin ‘D’hoop … melts fat fast like ice, know Hrithik Roshan’s fitness trick

The magic of vitamin ‘D’hoop … melts fat fast like ice, know Hrithik Roshan’s fitness trick

Vitamin D : The 6 pack abs and toned body of Bollywood’s smartest and hunk Hrithik Roshan makes everyone crazy about him. Recently, he has shared a post on Instagram. In which he is seen riding a bicycle. He told how you can reduce your weight fast with sunlight. Come let’s know what trick the … Read more

What problems can you face due to the deficiency of which vitamin, see the complete list

What problems can you face due to the deficiency of which vitamin, see the complete list

Disease Cause Due To Vitamin Deficiencies: The way the vehicle needs fuel to run properly. Similarly, vitamins are needed to reduce the body properly. There are many vitamins for the body to run smoothly. Like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, etc… If any one of these vitamins is deficient in … Read more

These are the five things by which sperm quality can be made better… you should also know their names

These are the five things by which sperm quality can be made better… you should also know their names

How to Improve Sperm Quality: Whatever we eat and drink affects our health. Poor diet also affects fertility. At present most of the couples are facing difficulty in conceiving. One of the biggest reasons for this is the lack of sperm count in men and its poor quality… Due to low sperm count men lack … Read more

These four vitamins are very important for your health, make them part of the diet.

These four vitamins are very important for your health, make them part of the diet.

Essential Vitamins For Health: Just as fuel is needed to drive a car, we need many vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. If there is even a slight deficiency of these, physical and mental problems start happening. Many diseases start to surround. It also has a great effect on bones and muscles. In such a … Read more