Why It’s More Than OK to Walk During Your Run

Why It’s More Than OK to Walk During Your Run

Photo: kasarp studio (Shutterstock) Anyone who claims walking breaks don’t make you a “real” runner not only is he a weird asshole, but just plain wrong. The walk/run combination is a legitimate strategy used by runners of all levels. Whether your goal is gradually building distance, or conserving energy to finish a race strong, or … Read more

So, does the 12-3-30 viral TikTok treadmill walking workout actually work?

So, does the 12-3-30 viral TikTok treadmill walking workout actually work?

Either exercise or hunting the the most stimulating workouts to increase endorphins (god knows we all need one right now). Since lockdown I have become particularly obsessed with walking —and the transformative effect it can have on how I feel. There is something deeply meditative about unplugging, listening to a podcast, and putting one foot … Read more

6 Must-do Exercises While Recovering From Covid

6 Must-do Exercises While Recovering From Covid

With the end of the third wave in India, we can see that a large number of people are testing positive for Covid-19.People who have tested positive need to follow a plan of action for their proper recovery, medications help but nothing can beat physical activity on the way to recovery.Also read – Queen Elizabeth … Read more