If you feel excessive thirst, then be careful, the risk of 5 diseases may increase.

If you feel excessive thirst, then be careful, the risk of 5 diseases may increase.

Excessive thirst: Drinking water protects the body from many types of diseases. You are thirstier during summer days. Want to drink water again and again. This is also considered good. It is also advisable to drink water regularly, but if you feel excessive thirst, be careful as this can be the cause of 5 diseases. … Read more

Due to the heat, drinking too much water can also cause problems, there may be a deficiency of these elements in the body.

Due to the heat, drinking too much water can also cause problems, there may be a deficiency of these elements in the body.

Side effects of overhydration : We get thirsty again and again during the summer season. It is also important to drink water to keep the body hydrated, but if you drink too much water, it can cause many problems. Drinking too much water causes headaches and fatigue. Many serious illnesses can also cause frequent dry … Read more

What kind of attention should women pay to their eating habits to eliminate their weakness?

What kind of attention should women pay to their eating habits to eliminate their weakness?

Do you also want to know why women have more weakness and fatigue and how to fix it? The problem of weakness is common among women, but sometimes it can also be a sign of illness. Therefore, women should pay more attention to their daily diet and lifestyle. It is generally seen that women start … Read more

Drinking too much water is also dangerous, it can cost you your life, be careful

Drinking too much water is also dangerous, it can cost you your life, be careful

In summer, we are very thirsty because of sweating. People continue to drink water constantly to avoid dehydration. Health experts also recommend drinking water, but people often drink too much water to quench their thirst, which can be dangerous (side effects of excess water). This habit can even lead to death. This can cause water … Read more

एक बार में बहुत सारा पानी पी जाते हैं तो हो जाएं सावधान, हो सकता है वॉटर इनटॉक्सिकेशन

एक बार में बहुत सारा पानी पी जाते हैं तो हो जाएं सावधान, हो सकता है वॉटर इनटॉक्सिकेशन

Health Risk: एक बार में बहुत सारा पानी पी जाते हैं तो हो जाएं सावधान, हो सकता है वॉटर इनटॉक्सिकेशन Source link

आइसक्रीम खाने के बाद भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन, नहीं तो होगा सेहत को नुकसान

आइसक्रीम खाने के बाद भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन, नहीं तो होगा सेहत को नुकसान

Icecream: आइसक्रीम खाने के बाद भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन, नहीं तो होगा सेहत को नुकसान Source link

पानी पीना भूल जाते हैं, तो फॉलो करें ये 5 टिप्स, नहीं होगी पानी की कमी

पानी पीना भूल जाते हैं, तो फॉलो करें ये 5 टिप्स, नहीं होगी पानी की कमी

Water Intake: सेहतमंद रहना है तो हर दिन पानी की पर्याप्त मात्रा पीते रहना चाहिए. पानी हमारे शरीर के लिए कितना जरूरी है, यह हम सभी को पता है. बावजूद इसके हम पानी पीने में कोताही करते हैं. पानी शरीर की गंदगी को बाहर निकालकर उसे स्वस्थ रखता है. दिनभर काम या किसी और वजह से … Read more

सुबह उठकर पीते हैं गुनगुना पानी तो पहले जान लें क्या है सही, जानें

सुबह उठकर पीते हैं गुनगुना पानी तो पहले जान लें क्या है सही, जानें

Warm Water: सुबह की शुरुआत गुनगुने पानी से करने पर शरीर फिट एंड फाइन रहता है. ज्यादातर फिटनेस फ्रीक और सेलिब्रिटीज ने भी इस बात को मानी है कि सुबह उठने के बाद वे गुनगुना पानी जरूर पीते (Warm Water Benefits) हैं. हालांकि, कुछ लोग इसे गलत भी मानते हैं, क्योंकि सुबह उठते ही गुनगुना पानी … Read more