दुबलेपन से आप भी हैं परेशान, तो इन चीजों का रोजाना करें सेवन, जल्द बढ़ेगा आपका वजन

लाख कोशिश करने के बाद भी कुछ लोग मोटे नहीं हो पाते हैं. मोटा होने के लिए वे बाहर के पाउडर और दवाइयों का सेवन करते हैं. लेकिन जरूरत से ज्यादा दवाइयों का सेवन करना शरीर के लिए खतरनाक हो सकता है. पतलेपन की समस्या लोगों को काफी परेशान करती रहती है. अगर आप भी … Read more

If thinness has troubled you, then include these things in your diet…

Weight Gain Diet: Just as obesity is a problem, in the same way thinness also becomes a problem. People who have become weak due to a healthy diet not only face embarrassment, but also such people also fall ill again and again. Many times people use different types of protein powder and go to the … Read more

Do not eat these things even by forgetting in the festive season, otherwise your weight may increase

Diwali 2022: Diwali is full of delicacies. In such a situation, people keep their fitness at number two, so that they can eat sweets and dishes on this occasion. But doing so can have a bad effect on your health. Especially if you want to control your weight, then focus on it even on the … Read more

Office workers should be careful, obesity is increasing due to these mistakes of yours

Causes Of Weight Gain: Once again, life is slowly coming back on track after the cases of corona are reduced. During this many offices have also opened. Due to which the same runaway life of the people has come back. Due to the constant work pressure in the office, people have started sitting for hours. … Read more