Increasing cases of corona and viral fever, take care of your child like this

Increasing cases of corona and viral fever, take care of your child like this

Protect Your Child From Covid And Viral Fever: Monsoon is called the season of diseases. Viral fever, mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and chikunya spread rapidly during this season. At the same time, the threat of corona virus has not reduced yet. Your slight carelessness can make the situation serious. Children need to be taken care … Read more

If the child has phlegm or cough, then these home remedies are very useful

If the child has phlegm or cough, then these home remedies are very useful

Cough and Sore Throat: In the changing season, the problem of cold, cough and phlegm causes a lot of trouble. Especially if the immunity of children is very weak, then they get infected quickly. Children are unable to remove the phlegm accumulated in the throat and sometimes even vomit. In such a situation, avoid feeding … Read more