Dengue Diet: What to Eat And Avoid For Faster Recovery From Fever?

Home Health Dengue Diet Guide: What to Eat And Avoid For Faster Recovery From Fever? Dengue is spreading like wildfire across states and fatalities have also been reported. Amid this sudden spike, it is important to raise our guards and be aware of what to eat and what to avoid during when infected. Dengue Diet … Read more

These special drinks will be useful in dengue fever, prepare this way

Dengue Fever: With the onset of winter, the cases of dengue fever have increased in the country. In the month of October alone, Delhi has recorded more than 1,200 cases of dengue. Dengue mosquito is known as Aedes aegypti or Tiger Mosquito. It is called tiger mosquito because it has white stripes on its black … Read more

This diet is a panacea in dengue, consumption leads to quick recovery, weakness will go away

Dengue Diet: Winter season is coming. Dengue patients are being seen with cold-cough fever. The increase in dengue cases in October has raised concerns. According to health experts, even after recovering from dengue, recovery is taking a long time. The problem of weakness and fatigue persists for a long time. The body becomes weak during … Read more

The danger of dengue is increasing rapidly after the rain, take these precautions

The danger of dengue is increasing rapidly after the rain, definitely take these precautions. Source link

Give this juice to dengue patient, platelets will start increasing immediately

Juice In Dengue: Give this juice to dengue patient, platelets will start increasing immediately. Source link

Dengue Fever Diet: What To Eat In Dengue? Learn right advice from dietician

Dengue Fever Diet: In the changing season, there is a risk of getting many types of diseases. In the month of September-October, the risk of dengue and malaria is very high. These days the cases of dengue are increasing continuously. Dengue is spread by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. In dengue fever, the … Read more