Control blood pressure with yoga, not medicine, do these 3 yogasanas daily

Control blood pressure with yoga, not medicine, do these 3 yogasanas daily

Yoga Poses For High Blood Pressure: Nowadays the number of blood pressure patients is increasing due to poor lifestyle and stress. People are becoming victims of high BP at a very young age. There can be many other reasons for having blood pressure disease. Blood pressure can be a problem due to increasing age, genetic … Read more

Control blood pressure with yoga, know which yoga asanas will benefit

Control blood pressure with yoga, know which yoga asanas will benefit

Yoga For Blood Pressure Control: Nowadays most of the people are troubled by the problem of high blood pressure. People are falling prey to high BP due to bad lifestyle and stress. Many times the problem of high BP also starts due to age, kidney diseases, not exercising, genetic reasons, obesity and many other reasons. … Read more