How dangerous delivery occurred during the seventh month itself? Know what is the effect on the child’s health

How dangerous delivery occurred during the seventh month itself? Know what is the effect on the child’s health

All experts, including doctors, recommend that women have to keep the child for 9 months during pregnancy. However, in a situation, women must give birth to children during the seventh and eighth month. Today, we will tell you how dangerous delivery is in the seventh month, which risks increases. & nbsp; pregnancy Now the question … Read more

Pregnancy after 35: Risk factors to precautions, all you need to know

Pregnancy after 35: Risk factors to precautions, all you need to know

Home Health Pregnancy after 35: risk factors for precautions, everything you need to know Conceive the risk of spontaneous abortion as women reach 30 years. Here is everything you need to know about the risk and caution to take. There are several risk factors for a woman to be pregnant after 30 (Freepik) The number … Read more

There are difficulties in conceiving due to these diseases, know their names

There are difficulties in conceiving due to these diseases, know their names

Diseases affecting pregnancy : Women face many problems not only during pregnancy but also before pregnancy. The Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction report states that 2.75 million couples in India experience infertility. This means that one in six couples in the country are worried about having a child. There are several reasons for this. Often, … Read more

Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she achieved toned stomach with…

Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she achieved toned stomach with…

Home Health Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she managed to tone her stomach with… Woman shares how she lost weight with these simple tips, read to find out more. Weight loss story: Woman reveals how she managed to tone her stomach with… When it comes to fitness goals, a toned and strong core often … Read more

Elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with one major dietary change – Watch video

Elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with one major dietary change – Watch video

Home Health An elderly woman reduces knee pain naturally with a major change in her diet – Watch video Knee pain is a common health problem faced by women. In a video that appeared on the Internet, a doctor shared how an elderly person Knee pain is common in older women (Freepik) Knee pain is … Read more

As soon as women pass 30 their bones start to weaken, do these things daily

As soon as women pass 30 their bones start to weaken, do these things daily

Women’s health after 30 : Aging bones begin to weaken. This problem is seen more particularly among women. After age 30, women’s bone mass begins to decline, leading to progressive bone weakness. In fact, during this process, new bones are formed slowly and old ones begin to be removed quickly. In some women this happens … Read more

Because of these mistakes of women, the uterus becomes infected

Because of these mistakes of women, the uterus becomes infected

Uterine infection: Do you have persistent stomach pains and cramps, unbearable pain during periods and smelly vaginal discharge? If yes, then be careful. These could be symptoms of an infection in the uterus. In fact, the uterus is an important part of a woman’s body. To become a mother, it is very important that she … Read more