The Most Effective Way to Lose Weight – Normal Weight Loss

I’m assuming you really want to drop some weight, but you don’t want to spend hours and hours at the gym, looking at all the skinny muscle-fixing girls and guys in tank tops who don’t seem to be able to sweat?

I guess you are just a normal person who likes to eat a little too much, who likes sweet good candies and likes to live his life a little more comfortably without crazy Hollywood actors.

A few years back I had a lot of pounds on my stomach and I had the same thoughts about my weight that you probably have now, and I had and still have the same thoughts about living a little easy and not freaking out about it What do I eat?

I had approx. 55 pounds that I had to get rid of being normal weight, and I tried a lot of different things, workouts, etc. with no luck, until one day I found the formula to get rid of “overweight” .

It’s a long process to lose weight, and it won’t happen overnight, but you can get rid of the pounds and that’s a guarantee, but it takes some effort, and some pushing back to get back to where you are. Will track again.

The very first thing in the process of losing weight is that you have to work with your mind. You have to be in charge of your brain because:

You must have a weight loss goal to be successful

Without a goal to lose weight, you will not be successful. A goal for why you really want to lose those extra pounds. We are all different but basically we all yearn to look good because life becomes easier when you are slim. I lost 55 pounds within a year, and trust me when I say – going through the weight loss process will bring you immense benefits.

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The first step on your path to weight loss is to spend some time thinking about why you want to lose weight, other than the “obvious” answer being that you want to be thin.

You need a goal for why you want to lose weight, and that goal needs to be clear enough to you that you want to stick to your new weight loss decision, and follow it until You don’t reach your ultimate weight loss goal. ,

When you’ve spent some time thinking about why, and you’ve got the goal, write it down on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, and under your pillow when you sleep – basically keep it 24 Keep /7 with you. You always remember why you want to lose weight.

That piece of paper is your contract with you, and when you’re in front of a candy store or wherever, that little piece of paper will remind you of your goal: to lose weight.

The next step is to go public with your goal. Tell your spouse, children, friends, co-workers, anyone who will remember and remind you of your goal. Going public with your target creates the kind of contract that’s hard and embarrassing to break. The difference between dreaming and having a goal is taking action to achieve it, and mindset is the key to weight loss that lasts. As always, the only thing standing in your way is you! This is one important factor that is within your control no matter what happens.

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You have to control your mindset and to do this you have to change your daily routine

Do you drink soda everyday? Or eat candy in front of the TV? Or simply use up too many hours sitting in front of the TV? Or don’t do any kind of exercise at all and I don’t mean just running, cycling, gym etc but also 30 minutes walk?

I myself spent many hours doing nothing, and I realized that in addition to having a concrete goal to achieve success, I also had to change my routine and stick to it.

You can even change all bad daily routines now but will it work? Or will you go back to the old routine in 14 days or a month? Most of us do this. Instead start slowly changing your bad routines and implement them in your life. For example, if you drink soda every day, and I know it’s hard, but your end goal is to think of your piece of paper, and drink water instead of soda. Next time you are in front of a soda store, imagine your target and buy a bottle of water instead of soda, and don’t walk down the street and think that cola light, pepsi max etc are the same as water because it is not a light product anymore So are sodas and are bad for weight loss. When Saturday comes and you haven’t had a soda all week, reward yourself with a soda — and visualize your end goal and drink that one soda, maybe it’ll taste good.

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After a few weeks you may have replaced your bad routine with the soda example and implemented it without much thought. It becomes normal to drink water instead of soda and then you can turn to the next bad habit that is getting in your way of losing weight.

Source by Morten Harris Evin Olesen

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