Top New Year’s Resolutions – Losing Weight Is Hardest

Well, it’s almost that time… Once again on New Year’s Eve you promise yourself that you will lose weight.

Millions of us have “been there, done that”.

When it comes to the top New Year’s resolutions, losing weight is always in the top three and is often No.

Quitting smoking used to be No. 1 a decade or so ago, but it’s proved so successful (along with widespread smoking bans in public places) that only about 20 percent of people now smoke, which is great. I wish we could get other people to stop this disgusting habit…

Here’s the Bad News: Losing Weight Has to Be most difficult Resolve to get out Ignore the evidence of your own past failed attempts – just take a look at all the overweight people you see everyday. I guess even their New Year’s resolutions didn’t come true.

Here’s the problem: People decide on December 31st that they’re going to lose 10, 20 or 30 pounds, but give up within the first few weeks in January because they’re not losing weight quickly enough. they want immediately result.

Now for a shocker: According to a British opinion poll, women, who are more body conscious than men, give up on their new diet/healthy lifestyle regimen faster than men. Sheela’s Wheels Car Insurance says, “The average woman will give up on her new healthy lifestyle and go back to her old routine in just six days into the new year.”

six days!! that’s 12 days before this Men tend to “throw in the weight loss towel,” according to a survey of 2,000 men and women.

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Look, I told you that keeping a New Year’s diet was a tough resolution.

Okay, the recriminations over. what if i told you there Is A Weight Loss Program That Will Deliver – And Quickly?

Drum roll please – take a bow, Master Cleanse Secrets.

You’ve probably already heard about it – if you have, it’s no surprise. This is not a new fad, but a 68 year old success story. It began life in 1941 as a detox fast, designed by New York alternative health guru Stanley Burroughs to flush toxins from the body and cleanse the kidneys and liver.

However, its reputation as a fast way to lose weight has grown over the years to the point that the phrases master cleanse fast and losing weight now go hand in hand.

If You Start January 1 Fast With The Master Cleanser, You Can Cleanse Your System And Watch the pounds melt away in just 10 days.

Sounds like a great start to the new year to me!

Source by Andy G Cooper

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