Trike for weight loss and fitness – 5 quick tips to get you moving while you lose weight and have fun

Losing and maintaining weight and staying fit is a life-long goal that requires dedication and patience to achieve and maintain. Although the key to accomplishing this goal is relatively simple; That is, proper exercise and a balanced diet, as you know, “simple” does not mean “easy”. Beyond that, your real challenge lies in your ability to maintain your newly acquired and hard-earned physique. This is most easily accomplished with increased toning of your muscles, of course, while remaining lean.

Fortunately, with the advent of the Trike Cambering Vehicle, achieving and maintaining a healthy form has never been easier or more exciting. If you love getting out and enjoying the outdoors, and you haven’t experienced a Trike scooter yet, you’re in for a treat!

As a human powered vehicle, your Trikke HPV requires your constant body movement to launch it and keep it going. The trike is actually easier to learn than a bicycle to master, which is a really good thing for some of us over size 20-somethings 🙂

After a beginner’s lesson in getting comfortable on your new trike, you can follow these five easy steps to start an outdoor adventure program that also works as a weight loss and fitness regimen:

1. Prop up your Trikke scooter and start your workout. Alternately push and pull the handlebars to slow down. To maintain momentum, you’ll continually lean over and push the handlebars to the right, then to the left. For beginners, piloting a trike can take time and practice. Whether you can propel your trike scooter on your first try or after several tries, the constant arm thrust required to propel your trike gives your arm and shoulder muscles a great workout. But the benefits aren’t just limited to your arms and shoulders… read on, my friend!

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2. Start cruising on your trike scooter and tone your core muscles. To start the rotation, you need to twist your upper body into a series of “S” twists, while shifting your weight slightly into the inside of the twist. This will cause a continuous and rhythmic contraction of your core muscles, namely your abdominal, back and hip muscles. Over time, with regular trike training, these muscles will appear well defined and toned.

3. Accelerate your trike, fat burning to lose weight. You’ll learn to control your speed as you cruise on your trike using different muscle groups.

In order to achieve maximum speed, you must start by applying little weight to your upper and lower body synchronously or kicking with your right leg when turning left and vice versa in what many trike riders know as the “sweet spot”. .

To gain speed, more muscle needs to contract, so more energy will be needed to burn fat to supply the energy needed. In fact, studies have estimated that riding a trike at 15 km/h will burn approximately 500 kcal per hour. Cruising at a top speed of 17.5 km/h will consume up to 700 kcal per hour. And reaching maximum speed, you will burn more than 1000 kcal per hour.

It’s an effective, fun way to lose weight while enjoying the excitement of speeding your trike around you or taking your trike on vacation to better see the local sites.

4. Like anything, the more you ride your trike, the better you get at it. As they say “practice trike-ing makes perfect trike-ing.” (Just kidding, :-0 “they” don’t really say that.) As you keep trike-ing, you’ll learn to tone specific parts of your body. As you become more proficient on your trike, you’ll learn to control your body’s motion while cruising. If you want to work specific muscle groups, you can always increase or decrease the rotation of your body as you perform the movement on your triceps.

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In addition, changing the height of the handlebars on your trike will also help work different muscle groups. Raising the trike’s handlebars will provide more of a lower body workout. The higher you raise your handlebar, the easier it is to make left and right rocking motions on the front wheel. This will make your lower body do more work in the push off.

On the other hand, the lower the handlebars are on your trike, the more you have to bend over and get your arms under the handlebars. This will give more workout to your upper body.

5. Trike uphill and amp up your cardiopulmonary workout. One of the hardest things to achieve in Trikke-ing is pushing your Trikke scooter uphill fast enough. Due to its level of difficulty only advanced riders can master it. Riding against gravity will require more power, and the higher up the hill you have to climb, the more difficult your progress becomes. Since muscle contraction through coordinated body movements is the driving force behind the forward motion of your trike scooter, more power translates into more muscle contraction. This in turn requires more blood flow to the working muscles, faster heart contractions to propel the blood and faster respiration to get oxygen to the working muscles – a true cardiopulmonary workout all around.

Starting your trike training program will increase your muscular strength and endurance, strengthen your heart and respiratory muscles, improve your circulation, help you lose weight and give you a fit body, and your Overall health will improve. Having a lot of fun!

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Source by Jae Winters

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