Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss You Need to Know

Consuming fewer calories than you burn can lead to quick weight loss on any type of diet. Most vegetarians who are looking to lose weight focus primarily on consuming whole foods and fresh vegetables. Nevertheless, for a vegetarian to lose weight quickly, moderate caloric intake and body exercise are still necessary. Basically, a vegetarian diet must follow exactly the same healthy eating protocols as one that includes meat. Creating a healthy meal plan for a vegetarian is difficult enough. The most important thing is to make sure you get enough nutrition with fewer calories. However, a vegetarian diet doesn’t always promise weight loss.

types of vegetarian diets

The elimination of potentially high-calorie foods such as fatty meats and processed meats is one of the advantages of a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet excludes animal flesh and even in some cases no animal products at all. The consumption of dairy products, eggs and plant foods is known as lacto-ovo vegetarianism. A lacto vegetarian only consumes dairy products and no eggs. An ovo-vegetarian only eats eggs, not dairy products. A vegan is someone who only eats plant foods. All these types of vegetarian can lose weight. However, ovo-lacto vegetarians need to be especially careful to avoid cooked dishes made with eggs and butter and full-fat dairy.

vegetarian weekly meal plan weight loss


Poached Egg, Grilled Tomato and Whole Meal Toast – 195 calories

Shredded wheat with skimmed milk and a small banana – 255 calories

Bagel (whole grain), cream cheese and a tomato – 250 calories

Fruit Salad with Banana Milkshake – 260 calories

milk preferably skimmed, bran and one banana – 255 calories

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Scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes and 1 slice wholemeal toast – 280 calories

Baked beans, grilled tomatoes, 2 slices wholemeal toast and grilled mushrooms – 380 calories


6 Tbsp cottage cheese, fat free dressing and 1 jacket potato – 295 calories

Low-fat (Tropical Salad) with lettuce, raisins, sliced ​​apple, pineapple and cheese – 330 calories

Tomato sandwich and hard-boiled egg with low-fat mayo – 340 calories

Toasted Baked Beans with 1 Tbsp Cheddar – 370 calories

Mixed Bean Salad – 435 calories


1 small pack of low-fat crisps – 100 calories

Crispbread with Thinly Spread Nutella – 122 calories

Toast (whole grain) with honey – 109 calories

Vegetable Soup with Whole Grain Toast – 175 calories

Sunflower seeds – 185 calories

Fruit Salad Bowl and Low Fat Curd – 165 calories

Unsalted almonds – 195 calories


While ordering vegetarian food always keep in mind that most of the restaurants saturate their food with oil, sugar and salt. If you’re trying to lose weight, be cautious about ordering oil-free foods such as steamed rice or a vegetable salad sprinkled with lemon juice. However, just because some foods are vegetarian doesn’t mean they include low calorie, Vegan pizza and cookies usually contain a high amount of calories and can sabotage your weight loss plan. Find the best vegetarian diet for lose weight fast

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Source by Olaniyan Taibat

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