Weight Loss Advice – Why You Shouldn’t Consider Becoming Anorexic To Lose Weight

a disturbing discovery

When I was doing my regular keyword analysis for my internet marketing, I accidentally came across something I was not very comfortable with. I found that there are over 2,000 searches a day for the phrase on the Internet ways to become anorexic, Well, if you’re reading this article, you might already know what anorexic means, but in case you don’t, anorexia is an eating disorder where people lose weight because of being too thin already. Despite starving themselves, they are convinced that they are overweight.

I know that there are people affected by anorexia through genetics. But if you are looking for ways to become anorexic by finding information on the Internet, then you are not the person in this category. Why should you do something that is a potential threat to your life?

If you still think that being anorexic is your option to lose weight, at least please read this article till the end. That’s the only thing I ask you to do.

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use the Anorexia Approach to Lose Weight

Have you ever seen anorexic people? Thin of course. Sorry, let me re-phrase, they are thin. Okay, you might think that being skinny is attractive, but try asking those people. Do they find anorexic girls attractive? Or do they find healthy and full-figured models more attractive? Being anorexic will make you skinny, there’s no doubt about it. But is being that kind of thin your goal in losing weight? Losing weight is only a means, not an end. It is a means to be more healthy, or to look more beautiful, or to have more energy. Effective and successful people always focus on the purpose, not the means. If you want to be an effective and successful person, please reconsider your real objective of losing weight.

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Second, being anorexic doesn’t just get you the results you want. It also comes with a package of potential diseases. Do you want to know what are the possible health problems that could cause you to become anorexic? Here is a list of some:

  • heart failure, which leads to death
  • inability to have children
  • Osteoporosis (weak bones that break easily)
  • kidney failure, and you may have to depend on a dialysis machine for the rest of your life
  • hair loss
  • gastric rupture
  • Tooth decay and staining due to frequent vomiting
  • bruise easily
  • sensitivity to cold
  • death

Or maybe you choose to become anorexic because you want to lose weight fast. Believe me, there are still many ways to lose weight fast and healthy. But if your definition of fasting is overnight, you should remind yourself of this saying rome was not built in a day, remember the proverb slow and steady and win the race, Moderation and balance is always the way to win life. Extremism will never return any tangible results, no matter in any walk of life.

Lastly I urge all blog owners, article writers and ezine publishers to write and publish their own articles on the dangers of anorexia. Please help me spread awareness about the dangers of anorexia.

Source by Schanizan Shamsuddin

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