Weight Loss for Teens – 5 Tips to Help Teens Lose Weight

Because of all the hormonal changes, it can be challenging for anyone to lose weight, especially during adolescence. However, these years are an ideal time to establish lifelong healthy eating habits. You can help your teen lose weight.

This way.

1. Losing weight for teens in favor of encouraging healthy living. Instead of nagging your teen to get more exercise or avoid junk food, encourage healthy interests. Luckily, there are plenty of active video games and other activities that are popular among teens right now.

There is also a lot of interest these days in vegetarianism and other alternative eating styles. It should be pretty easy to get your teen interested in them. Who knows, these trends may soon filter through to the rest of your family.

2. Educate your teen about the dangers of fad diets and weight loss pills.

Teenagers live for the present moment and hence losing weight for teenagers is a constant battle against quick fixes. Explain to your teen that many weight loss pills and medications can be potentially harmful, especially if they are not taken according to directions.

Be aware that these products can be very expensive and often the weight comes back when people stop taking them. Also explain the real health hazards of fad diets.

3. Make weight loss a family affair for teens. Eliminate junk food from the house and keep only healthy snacks on hand. Make time for a family bike ride or walk.

Ask the whole family to work together to clean the house or do yard work. These group activities foster teamwork and family pride. They are also great for face-to-face conversation. You may find that your teen is opening up to you like never before.

4. Avoid celebrity weight loss stories. Teenagers are largely a product of the culture we live in. Unfortunately, ultra-skinny celebrities take center stage in that culture.

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Losing weight for teens often means trying to match that look when their bodies aren’t built the same way. Explain that while celebrities are often supposed to be thinner than the general public (because photography seemingly adds pounds), they are not necessarily healthier or happier.

5. Bring out the inner beauty of your teen child.

Weight is often a matter of self-esteem and self-image for teens. Encourage him to emphasize the best features and de-emphasize other areas. Take her for a subtle make-over at the local day spa. Take him to a men-only hair studio or clothing store and let the personnel there give him some tips. Make a day of it and have some fun. Your teen will be able to see him or herself in a whole new light, and you will too.

Losing weight is an important issue for teenagers, perhaps the one they focus on the most. By emphasizing their positive traits and encouraging healthy habits, you can help your teen remain attractive and happy now and into adulthood.

Source by Julia Denham

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