Weight Loss Motivation – Channeling Thinking for Thin People

Sitting around thinking about how wonderful life will be after you lose weight is the wrong approach. You need to feel better about yourself while you lose weight, or you’ll probably never get to where you want to go. Your attitude is a powerful part of weight loss motivation, because if you don’t believe that you can get rid of those extra pounds and, more importantly, keep them off, then you have little chance of success.

Changing your lifestyle is an essential part of the weight loss equation because if you’re eating what you need and exercising regularly, you won’t need any weight loss motivation. Once you’ve arrived at a clear reason for your weight gain, you must wrestle with any self-doubt in your ability to modify your ways and drop the pounds.

If you have doubt in your mind, it can negate what you are capable of doing in terms of losing weight and maintaining good health. Whether you admit it or not, your subconscious beliefs fuel your motivation to lose weight or leave you overweight.

junk thoughts and junk food

Of course, junk food contributes to excess fat, but junk thoughts are an even greater problem. Whenever you are gaining weight that you just can’t seem to lose, you can be sure that the primary problem starts in your brain. If you start believing that junk food is good for you or doesn’t do any harm, and has nothing to do with your weight problems, then you have adopted junk thinking, and all your efforts are in vain. As long as you clear your mind of such thoughts.

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who is naturally skinny

It may seem like some people don’t need to consider nutrition or exercise because they naturally stay slim. You may envy these people because they have something that you don’t, but the truth is that you are capable of being thin and staying that way, if all you need is some weight loss motivation and a positive attitude. will get.

It should come as no surprise that the reason people are “naturally” thin is because they have developed brains to master the matter of their bodies. They don’t crave for junk food and indulge in it every chance they get. They realize the value of good, tasty, nutritious food and stay active.

computerize your brain

Our brain is like the central processing unit (hard drive) of a personal computer. If we load the right software, and maintain our system so that it runs the way it should, we won’t get a virus or a bloated file folder. Our systems won’t crash, so we can continue computing the way we want to. It is easy to make the necessary changes to your own ‘mind software’ and I can provide you with the tools to do so.

Let me show you how to fix your thinking and get you back on a trimmer and happier you. Once your mind is on your side with the motivation to lose weight, you will have no reason to worry about your weight.

Source by Carolyn Hansen

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