What are the symptoms of a heart attack, know how it feels before a heart attack occurs?

Heart Attack Symptoms: Nowadays people have started having problems related to heart at a very young age. The cases of heart attack after 35 years have increased significantly in the last few years. Many times heart attack is not detected, that is why it is also called silent killer. The first attack comes and people do not understand it. When the second attack comes, it becomes more serious and many times people lose their lives. However, if you are well aware of the symptoms of heart attack, then you can detect it. Sometimes weeks or months in advance, some such symptoms start appearing in the body from which a heart attack can be detected. If you also know these symptoms, then you can reduce the serious risk of heart attack. Let us know what are the symptoms of heart attack.

Common symptoms of heart attack

1- Chest discomfort- If you have any kind of problem in your heart then it can be a sign of heart attack. Sometimes there is a feeling of pressure and burning in the chest. If you notice any changes in your chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

2- Difficulty in breathing- The biggest sign of having a problem in the heart is that there is difficulty in breathing. When the heart does not work properly, the lungs do not get the right amount of oxygen, which leads to difficulty in breathing.

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3- Fatigue- When there is a blockage in the heart, the heart has to work harder. When cholesterol accumulates in the arteries, the heart pumps faster, which causes fatigue. Sometimes sleep does not come properly and even after sleeping all night, one feels tired.

4- Swelling- When cholesterol starts accumulating in the heart, the heart has to work harder to transport the blood properly throughout the body. This leads to the problem of inflammation. Due to this swelling comes in the ankle, paws and other parts of the foot. Sometimes the lips also turn blue.

5- Dizziness- When the heart is not able to pump blood properly, then the brain does not get oxygen properly. In this case, there is a problem of dizziness. Sometimes there is pain in the head or the head feels light-headed. These are signs of blockage in the heart.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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