What is the best exercise to reduce obesity?

The best exercise to burn fat is one that gets your heart rate up. This could be swimming, running, hiking biking, lifting weights, rowing, soccer, aerobics, etc.

We can go to the gym and get on a cardio machine and start moving. For a healthy fitness plan, this is a good start. But if you are looking for some exercise to burn fat, then the best way is to increase the speed of your walking so that you can increase your heart rate. When heart rate rises to about 55% to 85% of max, your body really starts working. That work requires energy and calories are also burned in the process. Fat is one of the fuel sources your body uses to make that energy.

When you increase the intensity level of a workout and your heart really starts pumping, the time required to burn a certain amount of calories also decreases. For example, I could go for a 3.0 mph walk on the treadmill and burn 150 calories in an hour. However, if I run at 6.0 mph, I can burn 150 calories in 15 minutes or less.

The same principle applies to resistance training. If you are doing weight lifting exercises to reduce fat and the weight being lifted is very light, then your body is not being worked hard enough. Therefore, only a minimum number of calories are being burned during the performance of the exercise. As a result, there is little use for the fat fuel source and ultimately no reduction in fat uptake.

So in your endeavor to exercise to lose fat, be sure and make your workouts more intense. Doing so will help get the heart pumping and burn calories and fat.

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Source by Jo Chris

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