Which is the best low carb diet and how can you lose weight fast?

The real question of the best low-carb diet often pops up for people who are looking for ways to incorporate a low-carb way of eating into their lives. Low carbohydrate food plans can be extremely effective but they are not always easy.

atkins diet plan

To make Dr. Robert Atkins a really low carb diet, his book ‘Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution, which was first published in 1972. Bible’ for many individuals following the Atkins diet, despite later modifications by the company that took over Dr. Atkins’ business shortly after his death.

The Atkins diet aims at restricting carbohydrate intake to really low amounts (under 20 net carbs) for a two-week induction period, then progressively increasing them to the point where you stop losing weight ( ‘Important carbohydrate level to reduce”). Foods are usually limited during induction, and then gradually added back.

You can eat unlimited beef, seafood, eggs and pure fats (natural oils and butter) consistently. Cheese, cream and vegetables are limited in induction, even though you are advised to eat at least two cups of low-carbohydrate vegetables from the accepted list. Milk, nut products, fruits, beans, starchy vegetables, whole grain products, whole wheat products and alcohol are not allowed during induction but are added back later. Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and sweets are not allowed at any stage.

south beach diet

The South Beach Diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston. The first phase is very similar to the Atkins induction, but includes a few more foods, for example beans, nuts and seed products in limited amounts. Additional foods are later phased in.

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South Beach is much more restrictive in the types of fat consumed, promoting monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil) and minimizing fatty foods such as butter.

The primary difference in composition between South Beach and Atkins is that South Beach counts portions while Atkins counts grams of net carbohydrates (minus the fiber, which isn’t broken down).

other low carb diets

There are many other low carb diets available. Some of the most widely known are Protein Power, the Sonoma Diet and also the Paleo Diet. Generally speaking they stick to the same principle which is that restricting carbohydrates allows your body to go into lipolysis or ‘fat burning’ mode, which results in weight loss. Along with this, there is a lot of fat in it, which helps people to stick with the diet as they do not feel hungry, even if the calorie intake is very low.

So now for the big question: Which is the best low-carb diet? The result will stay with you to some extent. Low-carb diets work as long as you stick to the guidelines. But before you start, think about what fits into your lifestyle or eating preferences.

Vegetarians will find the induction phase of Atkins difficult, even though it can be done as long as you eat both eggs and dairy foods. South Beach can be easy for vegetarians.

Atkins’ gram-counting style will work for those with the analytical type of mind who likes to understand where they are with a diet. South Beach would be a better fit for people who find carb-counting annoying and really don’t do it.

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The conclusion is: best low carb diet That’s someone you can live with.

Source by Sabrina Sander

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