Why Am I Not Losing Weight? 3 common reasons

Why Am I Not Losing Weight? This is a regular question of both women and men, and if you’ve been dieting and exercising, you can be downright frustrated if your weight doesn’t change. First, you need to understand the relationship between energy in (food) and energy out (exercise). It’s a simple equation that if there is less energy inside than outside, your weight will increase, if the two are equal, your weight remains constant, and if you use more energy than you can carry on board, Then you will lose weight. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But in practice, there are things that can hinder this.

Muscle weighs more than fat

If you’re exercising regularly and toning your body, as long as you’re eating a sensible diet, your body fat will decrease and your muscle mass will increase. But because muscle weighs more than fat, you won’t necessarily lose weight. In fact, you can apply quite a bit. Instead of using scales to determine how successful your exercise regime is, use measurements around your waist, thighs and arms.

You are eating very little.

If you suddenly go on a crash diet to lose weight, your body will go into fast mode. It doesn’t understand why there is a sudden shortage of food, so it will try to conserve as much energy as possible, using as little fat as possible. When you start eating normally again, it will turn everything into fat as quickly as possible to store energy in case another famine strikes. This is a very common reason why you are not losing weight.

  If these eating habits are not improved, then the weight will go on increasing, health will also be affected

you are not exercising enough

Losing weight is not just about going on a diet. You need to balance a sensible diet with an appropriate amount of exercise. If you can find at least 30 minutes of exercise that bloats you, and do it at least 3 times a week, you’ll lose weight long term, as long as you don’t overeat.

These reasons are assuming you have no medical reason for the weight problems, and are not on any medications known to prevent weight loss. A basic, sensible intake of food along with regular, moderate exercise should have the desired effect. Once you create a happy medium, you will no longer ask ‘Why am I not losing weight?’

Source by Jane Sawyers

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