Why heart attack comes, know the causes and prevention of heart attack

What Triggers Heartattack: Heart attack is the most dangerous disease nowadays. Being completely healthy, people are becoming victims of heart at a very young age. Bollywood singer Krishna Kumar Kunnath, who is known by the name of KK, has also died due to heart attack. On Tuesday night, 53-year-old KK died of a heart attack. Fans and entire Bollywood are in shock after KK’s death. Heart attack is said to be the cause of KK’s death. He suddenly got nervous and fell down. On reaching the hospital, the doctors declared him brought dead. Now the question arises that when something was right. KK was absolutely fit even at this age. He was a happy family man, so what could be the reason for the heart attack. After all, why do young people and people get heart attacks at a young age? Why does the risk of heart attack increase so much after 40 years? Let us know what are the causes of heart attack?

Major causes of heart attack

1- Diet- There is a lot of adulteration in the food we eat these days. Heart also becomes unhealthy due to unhealthy ears. Eating junk food or eating more spicy food is also causing heart attack somewhere.

2- genetic- Some people have a family history of heart diseases. Such people are at higher risk of heart disease or heart attack. For this, you should get your heart checked from time to time and be more alert.

3- High blood pressure- Another major cause of heart attack is high blood pressure. Due to increased BP, unnecessary stress on the heart increases, which increases the risk of heart attack even more. So always keep blood pressure under control.

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4- Obesity- If you are too fat. If you do not work out, then the risk of heart attack increases. On the other hand, if you exercise more than necessary, then it also puts pressure on the heart and increases the risk of attack.

5- Intoxication- Another major reason for heart attack is smoking and excessive drinking. Those who consume more intoxicants also have an increased risk of heart attack. Therefore, consume them only in limited quantities.

6- Mental stress- There is a strange pressure on people in cities these days to earn money, maintain style and status. People do not know what to do to advance in career. In all these ways people live under pressure, tension and anxiety. Due to which the risk of heart attack increases.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Health Care: From Heart Attack To Cholesterol, These Simple Lifestyle Tips Protect You From Deadly Diseases

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