Why UTI happens again and again, know the reason for urine infection

Urinary tract infection: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common problem in women. Women suffer a lot in this. There is severe pain in the stomach, burning in the toilet and problems due to infection. In UTI, the bacteria reach inside through the toilet and sometimes they also affect the kidneys, bladder and the tubes connecting them. If UTI is not treated at the right time, then this infection can spread from the bladder to the kidney. It also affects the kidney. Let us know why women have frequent UTI infections.

Symptoms of UTI

Bladder infection occurs when UTI occurs. It is detected by urine test. Apart from this, these symptoms are seen when there is a UTI.

  • burning urination
  • frequent toileting
  • lower abdominal pain
  • foul smell in the toilet
  • severe lower back pain
  • feverish
  • chills
  • vomiting

Why do UTIs happen again and again?
1- When E-coli bacteria reach the bladder through the toilet. So this is an infection.
2- Women are more prone to UTI than men.
3- Due to drinking less water and many times bathing also leads to this infection.
4- In some cases, this also happens by stopping the toilet for a long time or by using a public toilet.
5- Some people get infection even if there is a stone in the kidney.

What is the treatment of UTI
Use of antibiotics is advised in case of UTI. Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water in case of UTI. The bacteria get out of the bladder through the liquid. Sometimes the condition of the patient becomes more serious. Patients with diabetes are at higher risk of UTI. Apart from this, UTI can also occur due to stone in the kidney.

How to prevent from UTI?
1- Drink plenty of water to avoid getting UTI.
2- Do toilet before and after making physical relation.
3- Clean your private parts thoroughly.
4- Do not use any kind of hygiene spray.
5- Reduce the use of bath tub in bath.
6- The toilet should not be stopped for a long time.
7- Pregnant women should immediately contact the doctor if they have UTI.
8- Elderly and diabetic patients should also not be careless in case of UTI.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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