Do you also sleep late at night, know what is this disease and how dangerous is it?

Procrastination Syndrome In Youngsters: Nowadays due to work style and lifestyle, many such diseases are being born, which were unknown to the people till now. People working in shift jobs in metro cities are becoming victims of stress, sleeplessness and obesity. Some psychologists and psychiatrists say that the cases of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Syndrome among people in the age group of 21-30 years are increasing significantly in Hyderabad in the recent past. Most of such people either work late hours or work in night and morning shifts.

What is Procrastination Syndrome
This is such a state of mind in which a person prevents sleep due to his sleep pattern. Many times sleep is coming, even then deliberately try to drive away sleep. Such people drive away sleep by eating something, watching movies or spending more time on OTT. Doctors say that if you keep this routine for a long time, then you can not sleep on time even if you want.

Why is it a habit to sleep late?
In fact, in metro cities, people reach home in the early morning and evening. After spending many hours in office and traveling, when people reach home after getting free from all work, they sometimes feel like taking some time for themselves. Sleeping as soon as they come from office sometimes seems like a waste of time. Such people avoid sleep. Many times, when they come home late, the rest of the family members are asleep. In such a situation, people stay awake till late in the night alone.

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disadvantages of staying up late
If you make a habit of staying awake for a long time, then it can cause a lot of damage to your health.

  • This can cause problems with sleeplessness.
  • Obesity increases rapidly in such people.
  • People who sleep late in the night increase stress.
  • Doing this for a long time affects your work efficiency.
  • The risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest increases in such people.

    Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

    read this also: Health Tips: To keep kidney healthy, then change this habit immediately

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