Weight Loss During Sleeping: Good News For Lazy People, Now You Can Lose Weight While Sleeping

Weight Loss During Sleeping: By the way, you must have made many efforts for weight loss. Like following a strict diet, sweating in the gym and getting up early in the morning to go to yoga class. Even after such hard efforts, you will get the result very rarely. But today we are going to give you such news that you will be surprised. Yes, this news is even better for lazy people because it might be in their interest. Because it has come to the fore in a research that even while sleeping, you can reduce your weight. We tell you how.

This came to the fore in research
In a research conducted in the year 2021, it has come out that if a person takes good and full sleep, then his weight can remain under control. The study found that people with sleep apnea lost more weight and fat over 12 months than those who did not get enough sleep.

Change the slipping pattern
First of all, fix a bedtime. If you sleep at the same time every day, then your body will get used to it. In such a situation, you will fall asleep as soon as you go to bed and will not keep looking at the phone. 8 hours of sleep helps in reducing weight.

sleep without a blanket
If you sleep in a lower temperature then your metabolism increases, due to which your calories are burnt. According to the report, if the room temperature is lower then the amount of good brown fat increases, which helps the body to get rid of extra blood sugar and burn calories.

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Keep gap between eating and sleeping
If you keep a gap of 3 hours between sleeping and dinner, then it can also help in controlling your weight. If you do not do this, then you will find it difficult to digest food and you will not sleep well.

take care of the light
Before sleeping, keep the light of the room slow, this will improve sleep as well as will not disturb your sleep in the middle. Apart from this, you must change the bed sheet throughout the week.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that ABPLive.com does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.

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