What is spot weight loss, know whether weight can be reduced from any one part?

Is Spot Reduction Possible: Fitness has become the craze of people nowadays. People do workouts in different ways. Some spend hours in the gym and some are resorting to Yoga and Zumba. Some people have to reduce overall body weight, while some people want to lose weight from a particular place. Nowadays spot weight loss is very much in trend. In this, an attempt is made to reduce weight from a particular part. Like some people want to reduce belly while some people want to reduce weight from the hip area. In such a situation, today we will know whether there is spot reduction. Can there be spot weight loss or muscle reduction at a particular spot?

What is spot reduction?
Spot reduction means that you want to reduce fat from a specific part of the body like abs, hips or arms. Nowadays there are many such exercises which are claimed to reduce belly, reduce hips or reduce the fat of legs and arms, but is it possible or is it just a myth. Let’s know.

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Is spot reduction just a myth?
According to nutritionists, no particular exercise can make you lose weight unless you keep your overall calorie intake low and macronutrients right. Spot reduction doesn’t work that much. Because in this type of workout small muscles are targeted, which do not spend complete energy.
What does research say?
In a research, it was found that the fat and thickness deposited on both the hands of professional tennis players is the same. If there was a reduction in the spot due to exercise, then there should have been a difference in both his hands.

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Why is it difficult to lose fat from a particular place?
Actually, as obesity increases, fat starts increasing in certain places in the body. It is difficult for men to fat from belly fat, in such a situation, fat accumulates here most quickly. On the other hand, fat accumulates on the hips, buttocks and thighs first on the body of women. Which becomes very difficult to reduce.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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