Beware Of Acai Berry Diet Pill Scams!

All the credible and reliable scientific literature done on acai is related to the antioxidant capacity and oil composition of the berry. Companies promoting acai as a weight loss aid intentionally hide the ingredients in their product. They claim to provide a product in pill form which is Acai. They fail to disclose what % of that pill is acai and whether it is made from freeze-dried or spray-dried powder. Acai does not have the ability to drive, create or stimulate weight loss. It is considered a superfood based on its nutritional profile. Superfood does not mean that it helps in weight loss. The product being sold by this company does not work as it cannot work based on their claims.

If you try to contact any company that sells Miracle Acai Diet Pills, you will most likely be connected to an answering service. When you ask the service if they have any way to contact the company directly, you will probably be told that they do not have access to any phone numbers other than the toll number listed on the website. If you ask what was the name of the company they were providing this service for, you will most likely find that the business name is unregistered, in other words, the company is hiding. They fail to provide a physical address, a reliable phone number to the company’s headquarters nor are they searchable via Google or the state where they do business.

All these companies have earmarks of organizations involved in duping the public. there is no way. In their terms of service and privacy statements they are very clear about taking personal information of customers with the intent to sell and resell. Furthermore they explicitly state that they will use an internet term ‘cookies’ to describe the act of monitoring their customers’ internet usage. Essentially they say that when you buy a product from them they are not only going to sell and resell all of your personal information but they say that the purchase effectively creates a contract with the customer that allows the company to Allows monitoring and spying on customers. So that they can get more personal information to sell and resell.

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Here are actually the terms of service on one of the websites:

1.2 Third Party Listing Information.

XXXX collects information from individuals when that individual provides information to a third party and XXXX subsequently purchases, licenses, or otherwise acquires the information from the third party (“Vendor”). Such purchased information may include an individual’s name, email address, street address, zip code, telephone number (including cell phone number and carrier), date of birth, gender, salary range, credit card information, education and can, but is not limited to, marital status, occupation, industry of employment, personal and online interests, and such other information that the individual may have provided to Seller (together, “Third Party List Information”). When receiving Third Party List Information, XXXX seeks assurances from Seller that Seller has the right to transfer the Third Party List Information to XXXX and that Seller has the right to provide offers from advertisers to individuals whose personal information it contains Vendor list.

In other words, it appears to be a phishing scam. Their terms of service allow them to use your personal information in any way by “agreement”! Phishing refers to the process of tricking you into giving personal details such as your bank account or credit card details, or your passwords. Phishing is prevalent on the internet today and you should be very careful about this phenomenon and protect your personal information.

Acai Berry Diet [!&Search=Search] The “free trial” is a sophisticated “bait and switch” scheme. If you do not cancel the product after you have received it, your credit card will be charged approximately $80 for your “free trial”. Not only that, they will bill you around $80 every month until you cancel the monthly subscription. But since they promise you that you’ll lose 50 pounds, a typical customer will probably give the product some time to see if it really works before canceling it. But by the time they see it’s not working, their credit card could have been charged $80-160. Some terms of service refuse any returns so the customer is stuck with the bill and ineffective product. In other words, this is a complete scam.

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Always check the terms of service and privacy policies of online stores before purchasing anything. A reputable store should have trust icons such as Hacker Safe, McAfee Secure or BBBOnline which validate the companies physical address, phone number which should also be listed on their home page or their “About Us” page. You can also use a free plugin called SiteAdvisor by for your browser to indicate whether a website is secure when you are searching in google, yahoo or msn. If a website hasn’t been verified, you’ll see a question mark, otherwise the site will have a green checkmark. Additionally, some sites have been flagged if they have been caught sending spam email or using fraudulent schemes.

Source by Christian Wilson

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