Corporate Wellness Programs: Importance of Healthy Eating

Employees spend about a third of their day working in the company. This means that many of them may eat the two major meals of the day (breakfast and lunch) in company. At work, employees are working under stress and also feel some exhaustion from time to time, both physically and mentally. Studies show that stress increases people’s desire to eat and they often consume foods high in fat or sugar. Therefore, choosing the wrong foods in the company cafeteria during those times can be detrimental to their health, well-being and productivity. In the long run, regular consumption of such foods can lead to health complications such as overweight or obesity, increased risk of diabetes and hypertension, increased lipid levels, etc.

Today, cafeterias in offices provide a variety of food options to their employees. The priority of a workplace cafeteria is to provide food that employees will purchase and not necessarily food that will promote health, as the taste of the food is given more priority over the nutrition of the food. We all know that the excessive use of oil, butter, cream, mava, salt, sugar etc. in the food means delicious food. Employees eat either breakfast and lunch or at least lunch in the company cafeteria almost daily. So it is very important that healthy and nutritious options are made available to them.

How the workplace will benefit from providing healthy food options:

1. No afternoon nap: We know that our brain needs glucose to function, stay alert and function throughout the day. Eating foods high in fat and sugar makes the stomach heavy, which makes a person lethargic and sleepy. Hence, it is very important to have a nutritious, light and tasty lunch available to fight the post-lunch slump. It will also help keep away from unwanted cups of coffee, tea and other options that one may seek immediately after lunch to fight lethargy.

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2. Increase in morale: Eating a healthy diet promotes emotional and physical well-being. Being happy and in a calm state of mind will help the employee to develop positive relationships with co-workers and improve creativity at work as there will be minimal work-related stress.

3. Fewer sick leaves: Healthy eating will ensure that the body gets all the nutrients it needs to build, repair and strengthen the immune system. Good immunity ensures good health and less illness.

What can be done to keep the cafeteria stocked with healthy food options?

Today, Corporate Wellness Program Includes office cafeteria evaluation and mentorship designed by health care professionals, planning healthy menus with interesting recipes, and healthy food interactions for employees to understand the importance of health at work as well.

So, what is done by these health care professionals? cafe nutritionist in mumbai Have health care professionals including trained dieticians and nutritionists who assess canteen menus run by outside agencies, count calories of food items served in the menu and educate staff on their nutritional quotient . Alternatively, they can also design nutritious and interesting menus keeping in mind the principles of meal planning. The planning of healthy snacks is also under the purview of the dietician and nutritionist posted in the company. Hence, no need to deal with mid-evening hunger pangs with vada pav, samosa, french fries etc. Healthy options can be made available to the employees.

Companies today are becoming increasingly aware of the needs of the health conscious workforce. These employees can replace tea and coffee with green tea, lemon tea, buttermilk or herbal tea available in the office. In addition, companies can stock office vending machines with healthy snacks like makhana, kurmura, jowar puff, unfried peanuts, roasted chana etc. to provide healthy snacking options to the employees. Employees may also be provided with fruits in the cafeteria to fight mid-evening hunger pangs.

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Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are conditions that mainly result from following an unhealthy lifestyle and eating pattern. Whether at work or at home, it is very important to take care of food and drink. A corporate wellness program should aim to increase the productivity of the workforce and planning a nutritionally balanced and delicious menu is an integral part of these programs.

Source by Arati Shah

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