Ripped Body Workout – The Key to 6-Pack Abs

In today’s article, I want to teach you how to design a ripped body workout that will definitely give you 6-pack abs.

Before I get into the key components of your 6-pack sculpting, ripped body workout plan, I need to clarify one point. does direct ab training No Give you sculpted 6-pack of abs. The only way to get great abs is to burn enough fat to show off your ab muscles.

Therefore, I firmly believe that direct ab training is a complete waste of your valuable workout time. The 20 minutes most overweight people spend doing ab crunches will be better spent burning major calories and boosting metabolism post-workout.

Only when one is extremely lean do I recommend ab training exercises. If you follow a well-designed ripped body workout plan, your abs will be significantly stronger, thanks to total body movements that use the core musculature for stabilization.

With that said, let’s go over the key components of your ripped body workout that will help you get a sexy 6-pack (and no, this doesn’t have anything to do with direct ab training):

1) Focus on making your workouts progressive. In other words, aim to improve with each workout you put in. You can improve by lifting more weight, lifting the same weight for more reps, taking shorter rest periods, using explosive movements with the same weight, super-setting, and the list goes on.

Whichever route you choose to take, just make sure you’re putting in more effort and completing more work in each workout session. This tactic guarantees consistent fat loss and muscle building results, making your ripped 6-pack a sure thing.

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2) Build up a huge oxygen debt. Essentially, you should be huffing and puffing for air during your workout session. By forcing your body to work when there is a lack of oxygen, you create what’s called an “oxygen debt,” which requires your body to work extra hard after a workout to “repay” the oxygen.

This, of course, leads to a post-workout boost in metabolism, which is primarily responsible for burning most of your fat. Mastering this “afterburn” effect is imperative if you want a ripped body with great abs.

3) Do more muscle work, be it weight training, body weight training or cardio work. The more muscle fibers that are damaged during your ripped body workout, the greater your body’s ability to burn fat.

Muscle is an extremely high-maintenance tissue, which expends a great deal of calories to maintain during the repair process and in everyday life. If it were up to your body, you would retain almost no lean muscle tissue due to the maintenance required. I encourage you to take advantage of this principle during All Workout (not just weight training).

By incorporating these key elements into your ripped body workout, a washboard 6-pack of super sharp abdominal muscles is sure to follow. train harder And If you want a ripped physique that sets you apart from everyone else, then be smart.

Source by Bradley Campbell

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