Importance of physical fitness in youth to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle during youth increases your chances of a good life as an adult. The importance of physical fitness cannot be emphasized enough. Today, with the advancement of technology and hectic lifestyle, most of the people lead a sedentary lifestyle which eventually leads to many diseases like hypertension, heart disease, chronic diseases, diabetes and obesity at an early age. Additionally, during the days of adolescence, many people get enticed to indulge in activities like smoking, alcohol etc. which certainly provide a temporary gratification but adversely affect the health. Most of the youngsters do not understand the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but when they start aging and fall prey to various diseases, they understand and realize its importance. Here are some reasons why physical fitness among youth is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

Keep obesity away: Today, parents lay more stress on academics than on outdoor activities, which leads to weight problems, especially obesity. Obesity is not only increasing the weight but it is also the cause of many diseases. With regular exercise and outdoor activities, obesity can be kept at bay to lead a better and healthier life.

Maintain better mental health: Depression among youth has been observed in recent times and has increased to a great extent, which is a serious issue. Studies have proved that lack of physical activity affects mental health leading to issues like stress, depression and anxiety. Regular exercise can help keep both mind and body fit. It helps in maintaining a better mental health and is a great stress reliever.

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Deal with insomnia: Insomnia is a sleep disorder that results from a lack of sleep or the ability to fall asleep. It has become quite common among youth as well as adults, and may also be related to lack of adequate physical activity. Insomnia can affect the health as lack of proper sleep leads to many diseases. Exercise is the best way to deal with insomnia and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Keep diabetes away Nowadays many youths have become victims of deadly disease like diabetes. Generally, the cause of this disease is considered to be improper diet; However, food is not the only reason for this problem. Weight gain is one of the reasons that leads to this disease and weight gain is a result of lack of physical activity. With proper exercise and outdoor activities, you can save yourself from falling into the hands of this deadly disease.

Maintain cholesterol level: The increased level of cholesterol can lead to heart diseases, which can sometimes be fatal if not controlled at an early stage. combined with exercise to maintain cholesterol levels healthy meal is important.

These are some of the reasons to understand the importance of physical fitness among the youth to maintain a healthy life. It is necessary for the elders also to understand the importance of outdoor activities to keep the youth healthy as they are the future of the country.

Source by Niyati Khanna

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