Weight Loss Doctor’s Tips for Healthy Weight Solutions

Along with a variety of information on the web about dieting, emotional eating, fitness, nutrition, cooking and weight loss medicine, below are some solutions that are based on behavioral modifications and how to use them when battling food cravings. .

Often times, self discipline is the number one thing that hinders a person’s ability to lose weight and behavior modification is necessary along with weight loss medication. Below are the five “D’s” to help fight food cravings and aid in the modification of behaviors that lead to weight gain. Diet, exercise, and weight loss medications can all be part of an overall treatment.

1. Delay eating for at least 10 minutes so that eating is not an impulsive act, but a conscious activity.

2. Distract yourself from giving in to the craving by doing something else to occupy your mind. It can be an activity that you enjoy.

3. Withdraw yourself from food. Go out of the room. If you’re at a restaurant, ask the server to remove your plate.

4. Determine how important it is to you to eat the food you crave and how much you really want it.

5. Decide what amount is fair and reasonable. Eat it slowly and savor every bite.

Along with food cravings, hormonal imbalances and behavioral problems can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Going to a weight loss doctor who will examine you to determine the cause of your weight problem can be very important. Once you understand why you’re gaining weight, or why you just can’t seem to shed those extra pounds, you and your weight loss therapist can begin a treatment tailored to your specific needs.

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Remember, no two people are alike and therefore a weight loss doctor should treat you according to your individual goals, behaviors and medical issues. Accordingly, not all weight loss clinics or practitioners are the same. Some treat their patients as a “whole” and others may treat each patient individually, taking care of their patient’s specific underlying physical and/or behavioral issues. One such clinic is in South Tampa where you will receive “in-person” weight loss counseling and treatment. Losing weight can be a difficult task for many people—-and reaching out for help is commendable in order to be successful in reaching your desired healthy weight. Patients who are treated in a friendly, caring and relaxed environment find it preferable to “traditional” weight loss clinics, which are often overbooked and understaffed. This often sets the stage for more frustration and anxiety. When looking for a weight loss clinic or doctor, do some research on your own, stop by to schedule your appointment in person, and most importantly, choose a doctor who agrees to meet with you each time you visit. . When you find a weight loss doctor in Tampa that you’re comfortable with, stick with the plan, communicate honestly with your doctor, and enjoy yourself when you reach your desired goals!

Source by Lori Fiore

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