List of high fat foods that are bad for you

There are certain foods that you should avoid eating as they make you fat.

In this article I give you a list of high fat foods, You might not know this but fat and fat are not the same.

Good fat vs bad fat.

You need to eat the fats that are essential to your health.

Dr. Udo Erasmus has said that it is already fat that heals and fat that kills.

The problem is that most people are not aware of this and choose 100% fat free foods.

A word of caution here food can be 100% free but at the same time it can contain a lot of sugar.

Bad fats are:

Trans fat.

– saturated fats

Good fats are:

Monounsaturated fat.

Polyunsaturated fat.

In this article we will focus on the list of foods with bad fats.

High fat foods that are bad for you.

saturated fats.

Studies have shown that a diet high in saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease.

They also increase the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood.

Products with high saturated fat.

– butter

– Ice cream (containing milkfat)

– A kind of cheese

– chicken fat

– meat fat

– bribe

– Coconut oil – Beef

– lamb

– pork

– beef

Many animal products contain saturated fat, and in some cases plant foods.

trans fat.

Similar to saturated fat, there is a link between trans fat and bad cholesterol levels.

Products that contain trans fats.

– some margarine

– Cookies

– firecrackers

– snack foods

  5 Foods With Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Great for Gut Health | Well+Good

– Shortage

– donuts

– Cake

– frozen foods

– potato chips

– Candy

I hope now you understand that some products are bad for you as per this high fat food list.

You should read food labels; Manufacturers should include the fat percentage in it.

Source by Frederik Smith

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