How I Was Diagnosed With Metabolic Syndrome & Why I Started Keto

medical medium

I had been eating the Medical Medium way for a few years, and I considered myself a pescatarian, ate whole food plant based, and didn’t eat dairy, meat, poultry, or eggs.


6 weeks ago I decided to see Richard Whelan, a medical herbalist, I’ve wanted to see him for years but I feel I’m ready to face what he might say about my health was not. My goal was to get my high blood pressure in check, and I hadn’t been diagnosed with high cholesterol for a long time.

Well, to my surprise, he did some blood tests by pricking my finger and running it through machines and looking at it under a microscope. listening to my heartbeat and taking my blood pressure.

He said as soon as he saw me he knew I had metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and maintaining weight around your mid area that’s so stubborn it won’t budge no matter what you try Is. And I tried a lot, as well as exercise. Nothing moved those numbers.

He said it is not a matter of having diabetes, but when. He considered me pre-diabetic.

I was speechless, I mumbled that I thought I ate really well and healthy, that I loved refined sugar but for the most part I wasn’t out of control.

So he gave me some herbs for my liver and some other vitamins and herbs to take, magnesium acetate, chromium, vitamin b complex, St Mary’s thistle and hawthorn and sage


Then he said he wanted me to eat keto.

I “keto??????” What was it like????

I was in awe, I said keto destroyed my thyroid 4 years ago, low carb.

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So they asked me what I am ready to do, I said I am ready to do research on it. And he was happy about it.

thyroid and keto

So I had to do solid research for about a week. He suggested I sign up on which I did.

And I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why keto wouldn’t throw my thyroid out again like it did.

Then I had to work out why this happened.

I was eating crappy keto. Which is basically eating all fatty foods like sausage and bacon and meat and eggs, and no vegetables at all.

i spent a lot of time exploring vegetarian keto And decided that it would be too difficult.

So I brought some meat, eggs and other foods, and threw out most of the items in my cupboard that had high carbs. It was very hard to throw away my old foods that I thought were healthy.

What I’ve found though, is that while those foods are healthy for some people, things like keto don’t work for everyone.

upset stomach

So, I seemed to be doing pretty well the first few weeks, I went into the keto flu phase as my body was adapting, then I got diarrhea.

I stopped all my vitamins and herbs. After 10 days I went back to my old way of eating to see if it was fat maybe I had changed my diet too fast instead of adding foods gradually.

I did a food tracker, and was about to make an app with my doctor when I got better.

So I’m fine for a week then this past weekend it started again. I analyzed what I was eating and finally I was able to figure out what it was that was causing it, because if it was fat it was going to suck.

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It was sucralose. The sweetener that was in Powerade Zero was what I was using for electrolytes when I was feeling the keto flu. Which was a vicious cycle, because I thought diarrhea would cause me to replace electrolytes and then drink more.

Going forward

I haven’t weighed myself in a few weeks, but I’ve been starting to lose weight steadily, and this morning I measured my waist and I have lost 15.5 cm in a month.

I love eating keto. It is very satisfying. I have introduced some dairy but not much. I’m eating mostly chicken, some beef, and eggs. But this time I am eating a lot more vegetables than last time.

I had a blood test a few weeks ago and my thyroid is in range and my liver results are also in range, something I haven’t seen in 4 years, I’ve been getting blood tests done.

I’ll keep you up to date with how I’m getting on.

PS: 5 months after starting keto I started worrying and went for blood tests. Sure enough, what I feared would happen, I am in the early stages of hyperthyroidism, I have upped my carbs, and have made an appointment to see Richard for early February 2021. I have lost 12 kgs.

Source by Kate Strong

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