How to treat hypothyroidism with coconut oil

Hypothyroidism is a condition in the body that occurs due to a decrease in thyroid hormone levels. The thyroid gland is located in the neck just below the Adam’s apple and it is the gland that produces the thyroid hormone which determines the rate of metabolism or calorie burning of the body.

Sometimes the thyroid gland may produce far less thyroid hormone than is needed by the body to function normally and this results in a slow metabolism which manifests physical signs that most people call hypothyroidism symptoms. Are.

These symptoms can range from cramps, headache, chills and body aches to hair loss, excessive weight gain, extreme sensitivity to cold, constipation, and even mental lethargy. Some people have also experienced dizziness, a decrease in pressure and a decrease in libido. In overweight societies such as the US and other European countries, even China whose society is now achieving average on the obesity scale, research is suggesting that an underactive thyroid may be the main reason for such a trend. Could

Given the genetic nature of thyroid conditions, the disease can be passed down through generations. There are medical procedures and supervised treatments available for thyroid conditions that can easily take care of the problem. However many people prefer to use natural remedies and treat the root cause rather than the symptoms of the condition.

Coconut oil acts as a catalyst for the metabolic activities of the body. It not only controls, but proper dosage will moderate all the functions needed to burn energy and consume calories. Consuming coconut oil creates a hormonal balance and increases stamina and energy and also brings mood stability.

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If a healthy diet and reducing intake of toxins (such as wheat flour, potatoes, refined sugar and other foods that rate high on the glycemic index) is followed, the results will be immediate and physically noticeable. Not only do the symptoms of hypothyroidism disappear but the body will feel fit and rejuvenated as compared to the lethargic state that generally occurs due to low hormonal levels.

However, coconut oil should be taken in a quantity suited to your age and body composition. Most companies give an approximation or suggestion for dosage on their coconut oil packages or cartons and this is indicated using a chart.

You may want to read more here: Pets and Thyroid

Source by Arjun Mukherjee

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