Raw and healthy food can be an alternative to your pet’s diet

Today’s pet food manufacturers are adamant about their pet foods being 100% nutritious for dogs and cats. However, the current diet for domestic pets is based entirely on human food by-products and waste. Thankfully, some pet food companies are rising to the challenge and offering healthy, organic pet foods. Yet some pet owners, out of concern for their pet’s health, opt for a raw food diet for their dog or cat.

raw food diet pros

When chewed, it is less likely that raw bones will cause damage due to splinters.

Proponents of a raw food diet for pets suggest that raw foods contain all the nutrition pets need to stay healthy, such as vitamins, phyto-nutrients, minerals and antioxidants.

raw food diet cons

Finding and organizing a raw food diet for your pet can be costly and time consuming.

Caution should be exercised when feeding a raw food diet to your pet. Today, pets are more vulnerable to various diseases, and more susceptible than their predecessors, because of the poor choice of pet food formulated for them over the years.

Unfortunately, meats at the grocery store are full of antibiotics and many other contaminants making raw meat a potentially highly toxic risk to cats and dogs.

Are Raw Food Diets Still Possible for Pets?

It’s very difficult to mimic nature when you’re trying to include equal amounts of fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins in your pet’s diet. The slightest flaw in the feeding regimen can result in a lack of vital nutrients for your pet, ending up with an unbalanced diet.

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Even though there is much to admire about a raw food diet for your pet, there is still a need to be careful. Some veterinarians recommend adding raw, organic proteins and vegetables to your pet’s diet by lightly steaming poultry, meats, vegetables, and eggs before feeding them to your pet; This reduces the chances of parasites and bacterial contamination.

A Healthy Diet for Your Pet

A pet owner must be sensitive to the needs of their pet. A pet in good shape has a beautiful coat, clear eyes, fresh breath and a happy, playful demeanor. Regrettably, so many pets do not fit this criteria and suffer from many health problems due to their diet, not unlike their human owners.

Holistic veterinarians believe that harmful ingredients in many pet foods are instigators of diseases throughout the pet’s life. His suggestion is to feed pets natural cat and dog food. The large pet food companies fall short of what their labels suggest is “a well-balanced natural diet.”

A well-known veterinarian and the head of a well-established animal clinic supplement commercial pet food with small amounts of human foods such as meat and vegetables; However, fatty table leftovers and pizza should be avoided.

In addition, it is recommended to change the foods every month to prevent dietary deficiencies and toxicity. Healthy pet foods should contain quality ingredients without any harmful chemicals. Contains essential fatty acids, a mixture of mixed tocopherols and natural preservatives. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to make sure your pet is eating healthy. Your pet’s health is up to you.

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Source by Jon L Templeton

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