3 Day Tuna Fish Diet – Menu & Diet Plan

If you’ve put on a bit of weight recently and need to drop some extra, you might want to consider this plan which is the 3 Day Tuna Fish Diet and aims to drop up to 10 pounds quickly. It’s one of the most popular diets found online, it only requires foods readily available at your local supermarket, plus it’s simple and easy to prepare.

The Tuna Diet has been attributed to several sources, including a hospital in Alabama, and has been known by many names, such as the 3-Day Heart Diet and the Alabama Diet. The plan works on the principle of chemical breakdown, so try to avoid substituting other foods when using it.

Keep in mind that the 3 Day Tuna Fish Diet is intended for weight loss only for 3 days at a time and is not a sustainable eating plan for the long term. After 3 days, return to a healthier plan that provides continued benefits.

diet plan

Use only salt and pepper as seasoning. drink plenty of water. It is recommended to drink eight cups a day.

Day 1:

Breakfast – One slice of toast with two teaspoons of peanut butter, half a grapefruit and a cup of black tea or coffee.

Lunch – One slice of toast with two teaspoons of peanut butter, ½ cup of tuna and a cup of black tea or coffee.

Dinner – One small apple, one cup of ice cream (low fat), one cup of green beans, one cup of beetroot, one skinless chicken breast.

second day

Breakfast – One slice of toast, one boiled or poached egg, half a banana and a cup of black tea or coffee.

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Lunch – 1 cup of black tea or coffee, 6 saltine crackers, 1 cup of tuna.

Dinner – 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup ice cream, 1/2 cup carrot. 2 hot dogs.

third day

Breakfast – A cup of black tea or coffee, five saltine crackers, an apple and a slice of cheddar cheese.

Lunch – One boiled or poached egg and one toast

Dinner – 1 cup beetroot and 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup tuna, 1/2 cup ice cream and 1/2 cantaloupe.

Do not snack between meals. This is a diet that is restricted in calories (about 1,000) and nutrients so also take a multivitamin tablet each day. Although the diet plan is easy to follow, after three days you may get hungry and should return to a normal healthy diet. For sustained weight loss, consider a plan that includes changes in eating habits that will provide long-term benefits. A very good one involves calorie shifting and balanced nutrients and takes into account your own food preferences so you can continue with the program long term for lasting gains.

The 3 Day Tuna Fish Diet is very convenient, free, and readily available. However, the restricted calories and nutrients mean it is not suitable as a program for good health and sustained weight loss. If you want to develop a slimmer, more attractive shape that you can maintain, consider a weight loss plan that doesn’t require you to fight hunger pangs and water retention along with fat loss. It also happens.

Source by Ivan Kelly

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