Hair Loss Treatment – Causes of Baldness in Men – Hair Transplantation

Men’s hair loss treatment – Why do men lose hair

Many men experience alopecia at some point in their lives; In fact research shows that 4 out of 7 men carry the gene for baldness. Baldness can start at different ages; Most men experience this around the age of 35, although today there are many cases of hair loss in men before the age of 20. The venture of hair transplant is becoming a really common medical practice, as men are looking for solutions to stop hair loss. Many men believe that baldness is a result of excessive testosterone but they are totally wrong. We’ll take an in-depth look at the hormones that cause male pattern baldness, ie androgenetic alopecia, as well as other factors that cause it. This will make you more enlightened and well-informed to practice preventive measures to prevent premature hair loss.

Common causes of hair loss in men

Androgenic alopecia caused by Di Hydro Testosterone (DHT)

This is a pattern of hair thinning in men that results in a receding hairline and thinning of the head, leaving a horseshoe-shaped ring on the back and sides of the head. This is due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which also affects hair growth and the prostate. DHT acts on genetically vulnerable follicles, causing them to shrink, become smaller and eventually disappear, therefore thinning in specific areas of the scalp until hair stops growing altogether Would have gone However, the hair on the back of the head is less sensitive to DHT and more permanent. During a hair transplant, permanent hair is transplanted into the balding area, and since the follicles retain their resistance characteristics to DHT effects, they continue to grow normally.

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To block the effects of DHT, drugs such as Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) can be taken to reverse miniaturization.

physical and emotional stress

Pulling hair tightly by braiding or creating a ponytail puts physical pressure on the hair which is called traction alopecia and other activities like excessive styling using too much heat or harsh chemicals cause hair loss by weakening the hair which eventually break. Some people also have the habit of unconsciously pulling their hair; This is known as trichotillomania; A habit that results in baldness.

While targeting fast-growing cells, chemotherapy affects the growth phase of the hair, slowing growth and eventually thinning the hair. Radiotherapy of the scalp causes trauma to the affected areas which leads to baldness. Stressful experiences such as accidents, serious illness, surgery toxicity, cause temporary shock loss where a lot of hair enters the resting phase at the same time with telogen effluvium, resulting in severe hair loss and baldness.

Emotionally stressful periods such as the death of a loved one, breakup and divorce can also cause hair loss.

medicine and drugs

Some medications that affect the natural hormonal balance can cause permanent or temporary loss of hair. Such drugs are for example anabolic steroids and drugs used to treat blood pressure, acne, diabetes, blood thinners, anti-depressants, heart disease, cholesterol, and mycotic infections.

seasonal hair loss

Seasonal hair loss occurs during the change of seasons, as the skin is trying to adapt to the new season. Most hair fall occurs during winters, the scalp becomes extremely dry and flaky and hair falls out. In summer, the skin produces a lot of sweat, which clogs the pores and prevents healthy hair growth. Excessive UV rays of the sun damage the hair.

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Immune system diseases and hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland regulates the body’s metabolism by releasing certain hormones. Birth abnormalities and removal of the thyroid gland lead to hypothyroidism in which there is less production of certain hormones resulting in patchy loss called alopecia areata.

Diseases where the immune system attacks healthy body tissue are called autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. Cicatricial alopecia is hair loss that occurs as a result of the immune system attacking the hair follicles, leaving permanent scars of hair loss.

poor nutrition

Hair is made of a protein called keratin. Poor nutrition affects hair growth. Deficiency of nutrients like protein, iron, vitamin B, zinc, biotin. Excessive intake of Vitamin A can also cause hair loss.


A common fungal infection of the scalp commonly known as ring worm (tinea capitis), which occurs due to poor hygiene, causes hair loss. Other infections that cause alopecia secondary syphilis, dissecting cellulitis and folliculitis. An oily scalp is prone to overgrowth of a microscopic mite called Demodex folliculorum; It feeds on sebum, which deprives the hair of nutrients, causing it to thin and fall out.

unhealthy lifestyle

Bad habits like insufficient sleep, smoking and excessive drinking can also adversely affect hair growth. The carbon monoxide from smoke blocks the circulation of oxygen to the hair follicles, while excessive drinking causes dehydration and prevents the body from absorbing essential nutrients.

Source by Dr Civas Ekrem

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