Amazing Secrets To Lose Belly Fat Fast! These 3 Amazing Recipes Shred My Belly In 4 Weeks!

Do you want to effectively reduce belly fat fast? Well, read on for 3 powerful tips that helped me lose inches off my stomach, waist and the rest of my body in just 4 weeks time…easily and permanently!

1.) What exercise? It is important that you do both aerobic and weight training exercises at first. However, building lean muscle is one of the most guaranteed ways to burn fat fast… yet most people focus more on cardio…go ahead! Listen, I recommend you focus on compound weight training (working multiple muscle groups at once) on the larger parts of your body (chest, back, legs). You’ll still need to work your entire body, but when you do, make sure you hit those big parts with compound training (bench presses, squats, dead-lifts, military presses, pull-ups, push-ups, etc.). If you do effective training, you will. Really burn a ton of calories and you’ll also increase your metabolic rate!

2.) What to drink? I strongly recommend you to drink 2 things every day to reduce belly fat fast and of course improve your overall health. Those 2 things are green tea and fresh water. As far as green tea is concerned, I recommend you drink 2 cups of green tea per day, and as far as water is concerned, I suggest you simply take half your body weight in ounces for best results. Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants that will help cleanse your body and increase your metabolism, and I’m sure I don’t have to explain what water can do for you!

3.) What should be avoided? Listen, if you’re here reading this article, I’m pretty sure you want to stop flopping around and lose your belly fat… tomorrow! you know what? If that’s the case, I completely understand your sense of urgency. However, I strongly suggest that you avoid going on any kind of restrictive diet in an effort to lose fat and weight fast. Fad diets (reducing calories, limiting fats and carbs, etc.) are diets that will almost certainly lead to ping-pong weight loss and they will actually slow your metabolism down significantly.

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Now, what I recommend is that you try a specific type of diet that is 100% based on raising your metabolic heart rate naturally by getting nothing but proper nutrition. Not only will you find it incredibly effective for finally burning fat, you’ll also find that this type of dieting is much easier to follow and your results will be guaranteed to be permanent!

Source by Avy Barnes

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