Quick Stability Ball Ab Workout

This is a really fun stability ball ab workout that you can do in about 7 minutes.

exercise in workout

This workout includes 3 exercises on a stability ball:

1. Cross Body Mountain Climbers

2. Plank on your forearms

3. Jackknife

ab workout routine

1. You’re going to start with a cross body mountain climber with your hands on the ball. Do that exercise for 30 seconds.

2. When that 30 seconds is up, transition to plank on your forearms on the ball. When transitioning between those two exercises, don’t bend your knees beforehand. Stay on your toes the entire time to continuously contract your abs.

3. Hold stability ball plank for 30 seconds.

4. Once the 30 seconds is up, go into stability ball jackknife and do this for 30 seconds.

5. Once the 30 seconds are completed, rest for 60 seconds.

6. After resting for 60 seconds, complete that circuit again.

7. After completing that second circuit again rest for 60 seconds and then do that circuit one more time.

exercise details

X-Body Mountain Climbers – Hands On Stability Ball

  1. Place your hands on top of a stability ball and rest on your toes with your body forming a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
  2. Bring your right leg up and over your body as far as you can go so that your right knee is towards your left elbow.
  3. Return your right leg to the starting position and repeat the motion using your left leg.
  4. Keep alternating legs until you have completed the recommended number or time of repetitions.
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Plank – forearm on stability ball

  1. Rest your forearms on a stability ball.
  2. Raise your body in a straight line and place your body weight on your forearms (which are on the stability ball) and toes so that your body is flat on the floor.
  3. Keep your back straight and hips up but not so high that your butt sticks in the air. Hold your stomach tight. Breathe normally.
  4. Stay in this position for the recommended amount of time.

stability ball jackknife

  1. Place your forearms on a bench or chair and your lower legs on top of a stability ball. Your arms should be shoulder width apart. Make sure that your body is in a straight line from shoulders to feet and that your hips do not sag or lift.
  2. Keeping your upper body as straight as possible, bring your legs in toward your chest and the chair/bench as far in as possible, while rolling the ball down your legs toward your feet.
  3. Pause for a moment and then return to the starting position.
  4. Continue this movement for the recommended number of repetitions or time.

This ab workout will be a little harder than the beginner ab workout, but not as bad killer ab workout,

Source by Mike Navin

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