How can men lose weight fast?

95% of men take wrong diet. They starve themselves, they work very hard, and they don’t rest. Learn how men can lose weight fast. Are you having a big reunion? Do you need to get ready for the hot summer months? Either way you’re a guy and you want to lose weight fast, so what do you do?

Most importantly, remember to eat!

This is the most important thing to remember. Your body needs fuel. The difference is that your body needs lean, effective fuel so it can burn fat and build muscle. So, you have to remember to eat small portions first thing in the morning and 5 times a day.

IP #1: Lots of Water

Water is the life juice of your metabolism. Your body relies on proper hydration to convert food into energy. Plus, if you’re drinking water, that means there’s a good chance that you’re not drinking soda or other highly caloric beverages. If you want to lose weight fast, drink lots of water and stay away from empty calories.

Tip #2: No Bad Fats

It sounds a bit contradictory doesn’t it? Not necessary. There are good fats and there are bad fats. If our question is, “Can men lose weight fast?” We have to be prepared to eliminate our favorite food of all: red meat! Instead of red meat we need to focus on good fats which are available in Kalamata olives, sunflower seeds, walnuts and avocados. These good fats have been scientifically proven to reduce body fat, especially belly fat!

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Tip #3: More Fiber

Your diet should include at least 100% of the daily recommended allowance if you have serious hopes of losing weight anytime soon. The fiber in your diet has the incredible ability to detoxify your system and rid your digestive tract of any unwanted substances. Did you know that it is believed that John Wayne had over 50 pounds of substances in his stomach after his death? The first step for men looking to lose weight fast is to ensure that we get a good dose of fiber at breakfast.

Source by Christopher Heffron

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